
V. V. Albert, Kubischta, E., Lemeshko, M., and Liu, L. R., Topology and entanglement of molecular phase space, 2024.
J. Bringewatt, Ehrenberg, A., Goel, T., and Gorshkov, A. V., Optimal function estimation with photonic quantum sensor networks, Physical Review Research, vol. 6, 2024.
J. Youm, Iosue, J. T., Ehrenberg, A., Wang, Y. - X., and Gorshkov, A. V., Average Rényi Entanglement Entropy in Gaussian Boson Sampling, 2024.
D. R. M. Arvidsson-Shukur, Braasch, Jr., W. F., De Bievre, S., Dressel, J., Jordan, A. N., Langrenez, C., Lostaglio, M., Lundeen, J. S., and Halpern, N. Yunger, Properties and Applications of the Kirkwood-Dirac Distribution, 2024.
A. L. Carter, O’Reilly, J., Toh, G., Saha, S., Shalaev, M., Goetting, I., and Monroe, C., Ion trap with in-vacuum high numerical aperture imaging for a dual-species modular quantum computer, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 95, 2024.
J. Rajakumar, Watson, J. D., and Liu, Y. - K., Polynomial-Time Classical Simulation of Noisy IQP Circuits with Constant Depth, 2024.
J. Bringewatt, Kunjummen, J., and Mueller, N., Randomized measurement protocols for lattice gauge theories, Quantum, vol. 8, p. 1300, 2024.
A. Ehrenberg, Iosue, J. T., Deshpande, A., Hangleiter, D., and Gorshkov, A. V., The Second Moment of Hafnians in Gaussian Boson Sampling, 2024.
A. Dua, Kubica, A., Jiang, L., Flammia, S. T., and Gullans, M., Clifford-Deformed Surface Codes, PRX Quantum, vol. 5, 2024.
S. Gandhari, Albert, V. V., Gerrits, T., Taylor, J. M., and Gullans, M., Precision Bounds on Continuous-Variable State Tomography Using Classical Shadows, PRX Quantum, vol. 5, p. 010346, 2024.
J. Lukas Bosse, Childs, A. M., Derby, C., Gambetta, F. Maria, Montanaro, A., and Santos, R. A., Efficient and practical Hamiltonian simulation from time-dependent product formulas, 2024.
Z. Liu, Devulapalli, D., Hangleiter, D., Liu, Y. - K., Kollár, A. J., Gorshkov, A. V., and Childs, A. M., Efficiently verifiable quantum advantage on near-term analog quantum simulators, 2024.
J. Aftab, An, D., and Trivisa, K., Multi-product Hamiltonian simulation with explicit commutator scaling, 2024.
E. R. Bennewitz, Ware, B., Schuckert, A., Lerose, A., Surace, F. M., Belyansky, R., Morong, W., Luo, D., De, A., Collins, K. S., Katz, O., Monroe, C., Davoudi, Z., and Gorshkov, A. V., Simulating Meson Scattering on Spin Quantum Simulators, 2024.
J. T. Iosue, Sharma, K., Gullans, M., and Albert, V. V., Continuous-Variable Quantum State Designs: Theory and Applications, Phys. Rev. X, vol. 14, p. 011013, 2024.
X. Song, Salvati, F., Gaikwad, C., Halpern, N. Yunger, Arvidsson-Shukur, D. R. M., and Murch, K., Agnostic Phase Estimation, 2024.
R. Belyansky, Whitsitt, S., Mueller, N., Fahimniya, A., Bennewitz, E. R., Davoudi, Z., and Gorshkov, A. V., High-Energy Collision of Quarks and Mesons in the Schwinger Model: From Tensor Networks to Circuit QED, Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, 2024.
L. Li, Chang, L., Cleaveland, R., Zhu, M., and Wu, X., The Quantum Abstract Machine, 2024.
A. Vrajitoarea, Belyansky, R., Lundgren, R., Whitsitt, S., Gorshkov, A. V., and Houck, A. A., Ultrastrong light-matter interaction in a multimode photonic crystal, 2024.
E. Kubischta and Teixeira, I., Free Quantum Codes from Twisted Unitary $t$-groups, 2024.
J. Rajakumar, Golden, J., Bärtschi, A., and Eidenbenz, S., Trainability Barriers in Low-Depth QAOA Landscapes, 2024.
Z. Davoudi, Detmold, W., Fu, Z., Grebe, A. V., Jay, W., Murphy, D., Oare, P., Shanahan, P. E., and Wagman, M. L., Long-Distance Nuclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay from Lattice QCD, 2024.
L. Schaeffer, Shallit, J., and Zorcic, S., Beatty Sequences for a Quadratic Irrational: Decidability and Applications, 2024.
M. Mudassar, Chien, R. W., and Gottesman, D., Encoding Majorana codes, 2024.
A. Y. Guo, Young, J. T., Belyansky, R., Bienias, P., and Gorshkov, A. V., Experimental roadmap for optimal state transfer and entanglement generation in power-law systems, 2024.