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M. C. Tran, Deshpande, A., Guo, A. Y., Lucas, A., and Gorshkov, A. V., Optimal state transfer and entanglement generation in power-law interacting systems, 2020.
C. Shao and Liu, J. - P., Quantum algorithms for the polynomial eigenvalue problems, 2020.
P. Faist, Nezami, S., Albert, V. V., Salton, G., Pastawski, F., Hayden, P., and Preskill, J., Continuous symmetries and approximate quantum error correction, Phys. Rev. X, vol. 10, no. 041018, 2020.
M. Gullans, Krastanov, S., Huse, D. A., Jiang, L., and Flammia, S. T., Quantum coding with low-depth random circuits, 2020.
M. Kalinowski, Wang, Y., Bienias, P., Gullans, M., Ornelas-Huerta, D. P., Craddock, A. N., Rolston, S. L., Porto, J. V., Büchler, H. Peter, and Gorshkov, A. V., Resonant enhancement of three-body loss between strongly interacting photons, 2020.
M. Ciamp, Cojocaru, A., Kashefi, E., and Mantri, A., Secure Quantum Two-Party Computation: Impossibility and Constructions, 2020.
D. Carney, Ghosh, S., Krnjaic, G., and Taylor, J. M., Gravitational Direct Detection of Dark Matter, Phys. Rev. D, vol. 102, no. 072003, 2020.
O. Shtanko and Movassagh, R., Unitary Subharmonic Response and Floquet Majorana Modes, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 125, no. 086804, 2020.
J. Bringewatt, Sato, N., Melnitchouk, W., Qiu, J. - W., Steffens, F., and Constantinou, M., Confronting lattice parton distributions with global QCD analysis, 2020.
J. P. Zwolak, Kalantre, S. S., McJunkin, T., Weber, B. J., and Taylor, J. M., Ray-based classification framework for high-dimensional data, Proceedings of the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop at NeurIPS 2020, Vancouver, Canada, 2020.
Y. Zhang, Fu, H., and Knill, E., Efficient randomness certification by quantum probability estimation, Phys. Rev. Research , vol. 2, no. 013016, 2020.
C. Makrides, Barker, D. S., Fedchak, J. A., Scherschligt, J., Eckel, S., and Tiesinga, E., Collisions of room-temperature helium with ultracold lithium and the van der Waals bound state of HeLi, Phys. Rev. A , vol. 101, no. 012702, 2020.
S. Singh, Alderete, C. H., Balu, R., Monroe, C., Linke, N. M., and Chandrashekar, C. M., Universal one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks and their implementation on near term quantum hardware, 2020.
A. M. Childs and Wang, D., Can graph properties have exponential quantum speedup?, 2020.
R. Cosmic, Kawabata, K., Ashida, Y., Ikegami, H., Furukawa, S., Patil, P., Taylor, J. M., and Nakamura, Y., Probing XY phase transitions in a Josephson junction array with tunable frustration, 2020.
R. Yousefzadeh and O'Leary, D. P., Auditing and Debugging Deep Learning Models via Decision Boundaries: Individual-level and Group-level Analysis, 2020.
A. N. Glaudell, Ross, N. J., and Taylor, J. M., Optimal Two-Qubit Circuits for Universal Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation, 2020.
A. Seif, Hafezi, M., and Jarzynski, C., Machine learning the thermodynamic arrow of time, Nat. Phys., pp. 1-9, 2020.
S. B. Nicholson, García-Pintos, L. Pedro, del Campo, A., and Green, J. R., Time-information uncertainty relations in thermodynamics, Nat. Phys., 2020.
R. Jain, Miller, C., and Shi, Y., Parallel Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 5567-5584, 2020.
M. Van Regemortel, Cian, Z. - P., Seif, A., Dehghani, H., and Hafezi, M., Entanglement entropy scaling transition under competing monitoring protocols, 2020.
G. Alagic, Alperin-Sheriff, J., Apon, D., Cooper, D., Dang, Q., Kelsey, J., Liu, Y. - K., Miller, C., Moody, D., Peralta, R., Perlner, R., Robinson, A., and Smith-Tone, D., Status Report on the Second Round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process, NISTIR 8309, 2020.
J. Kunjummen, Carney, D., and Taylor, J. M., Position Space Decoherence From Long-Range Interaction With Background Gas, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
F. Liu, Lundgren, R., Titum, P., Garrison, J. R., and Gorshkov, A. V., Circuit Complexity across a Topological Phase Transition, Physical Review Research , vol. 2, no. 1, p. 013323, 2020.
A. Gilyen and Li, T., Distributional property testing in a quantum world, Proceedings of ITCS 2020, vol. 25, no. 19, pp. 1-25, 2020.