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I. C. Cloët, Dietrich, M. R., Arrington, J., Bazavov, A., Bishof, M., Freese, A., Gorshkov, A. V., Grassellino, A., Hafidi, K., Jacob, Z., McGuigan, M., Meurice, Y., Meziani, Z. - E., Mueller, P., Muschik, C., Osborn, J., Otten, M., Petreczky, P., Polakovic, T., Poon, A., Pooser, R., Roggero, A., Saffman, M., VanDevender, B., Zhang, J., and Zohar, E., Opportunities for Nuclear Physics & Quantum Information Science, 2019.
Y. Nam, Chen, J. - S., Pisenti, N. C., Wright, K., Delaney, C., Maslov, D., Brown, K. R., Allen, S., Amini, J. M., Apisdorf, J., Beck, K. M., Blinov, A., Chaplin, V., Chmielewski, M., Collins, C., Debnath, S., Ducore, A. M., Hudek, K. M., Keesan, M., Kreikemeier, S. M., Mizrahi, J., Solomon, P., Williams, M., Wong-Campos, J. David, Monroe, C., and Kim, J., Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer, 2019.
S. Arunachalam, Grilo, A. B., and Sundaram, A., Quantum hardness of learning shallow classical circuits, 2019.
A. W. Harrow, Natarajan, A., and Wu, X., Limitations of semidefinite programs for separable states and entangled games, Commun. Math. Phys., vol. 366, no. 2, 2019.
H. Gharibyan, Hanada, M., Swingle, B., and Tezuka, M., A characterization of quantum chaos by two-point correlation functions, 2019.
A. M. Childs, Schoute, E., and Unsal, C. M., Circuit Transformations for Quantum Architectures, Proceedings of TQC 2019, LIPIcs, vol. 135 , no. 3, 2019.
S. Xu, Li, X., Hsu, Y. - T., Swingle, B., and Sarma, S. Das, Butterfly effect in interacting Aubry-Andre model: thermalization, slow scrambling, and many-body localization, 2019.
G. Cheng and Swingle, B., Chaos in a quantum rotor model, 2019.
S. Breiner, Kalev, A., and Miller, C., Parallel Self-Testing of the GHZ State with a Proof by Diagrams, EPTCS , vol. 287, pp. 43-66, 2019.
G. Alagic, Jeffery, S., Ozols, M., and Poremba, A., On non-adaptive quantum chosen-ciphertext attacks and Learning with Errors, 14th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, TQC 2019, June 3-5, 2019, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, pp. 1:1-1:23 , 2019.
N. - H. Chia, Li, T., Lin, H. - H., and Wang, C., Quantum-inspired classical sublinear-time algorithm for solving low-rank semidefinite programming via sampling approaches, 2019.
R. Rand, Paykin, J., Lee, D. - H., and Zdancewic, S., ReQWIRE: Reasoning about Reversible Quantum Circuits, EPTCS , vol. 287, 2019.
G. Alagic, Alperin-Sheriff, J., Apon, D., Cooper, D., Dang, Q., Miller, C., Moody, D., Peralta, R., Perlner, R., Robinson, A., Smith-Tone, D., and Liu, Y. - K., Status Report on the First Round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process, School: National Institute for Standards and Technology , 2019.
R. Rand, Verification Logics for Quantum Programs, 2019.
A. Seif, DeGottardi, W., Esfarjani, K., and Hafezi, M., Thermal management and non-reciprocal control of phonon flow via optomechanics, Nat. Commun., vol. 9(1), no. 1207, 2018.
F. Liu, Garrison, J. R., Deng, D. - L., Gong, Z. - X., and Gorshkov, A. V., Asymmetric Particle Transport and Light-Cone Dynamics Induced by Anyonic Statistics, Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 121, no. 250404, 2018.
S. - H. Hung, Hietala, K., Zhu, S., Ying, M., Hicks, M., and Wu, X., Quantitative Robustness Analysis of Quantum Programs (Extended Version), Proc. ACM Program. Lang., vol. 3, no. POPL, p. Article 31, 2018.
R. Thomas, Chilcott, M., Tiesinga, E., Deb, A. B., and Kjærgaard, N., Observation of bound state self-interaction in a nano-eV atom collider, Nature Communications , vol. 9, no. 4895, 2018.
S. Whitsitt, Samajdar, R., and Sachdev, S., Quantum field theory for the chiral clock transition in one spatial dimension, Phys. Rev. , vol. B , no. 98, p. 205118 , 2018.
E. Zeuthen, Schliesser, A., Taylor, J. M., and Sørensen, A. S., Electro-optomechanical equivalent circuits for quantum transduction, 2018.
A. Seif and Hafezi, M., Broadband optomechanical non-reciprocity, Nature Photon , vol. 12, pp. 60-61, 2018.
S. P. Jordan and Liu, Y. - K., Quantum Cryptanalysis: Shor, Grover, and Beyond, IEEE Security & Privacy , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 14-21, 2018.
M. T. Manzoni, Moreno-Cardoner, M., Asenjo-Garcia, A., Porto, J. V., Gorshkov, A. V., and Chang, D. E., Optimization of photon storage fidelity in ordered atomic arrays, New Journal of Physics, vol. 20, no. 083048 , 2018.
W. Ge, Jacobs, K., Eldredge, Z., Gorshkov, A. V., and Foss-Feig, M., Distributed Quantum Metrology and the Entangling Power of Linear Networks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 043604, 2018.
W. Ge, Jacobs, K., Eldredge, Z., Gorshkov, A. V., and Foss-Feig, M., Distributed Quantum Metrology and the Entangling Power of Linear Networks, 2018.