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F. Voichick, Li, L., Rand, R., and Hicks, M., Qunity: A Unified Language for Quantum and Classical Computing (Extended Version), 2022.
J. M. Smith, Ross, N. J., Selinger, P., and Valiron, B., Quipper: Concrete Resource Estimation in Quantum Algorithms, 2014.
A. S. Green, Lumsdaine, P. LeFanu, Ross, N. J., Selinger, P., and Valiron, B., Quipper: A Scalable Quantum Programming Language, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 333-342, 2013.
C. L. Baldwin and Swingle, B., Quenched vs Annealed: Glassiness from SK to SYK, 2019.
E. Guardado-Sanchez, Spar, B. M., Schauss, P., Belyansky, R., Young, J. T., Bienias, P., Gorshkov, A. V., Iadecola, T., and Bakr, W. S., Quench Dynamics of a Fermi Gas with Strong Long-Range Interactions, Phys. Rev. X, vol. 11, 2021.
Y. Xu, Wang, Y., Kuo, E. - J., and Albert, V. V., Qubit-Oscillator Concatenated Codes: Decoding Formalism and Code Comparison, PRX Quantum, vol. 4, p. 020342, 2023.
N. Yunger Halpern, Swingle, B., and Dressel, J., The quasiprobability behind the out-of-time-ordered correlator, Phys. Rev. , vol. A, no. 97, 2018.
N. J. Coble and Coudron, M., Quasi-polynomial time approximation of output probabilities of geometrically-local, shallow quantum circuits, 2020.
N. J. Coble and Coudron, M., Quasi-polynomial Time Approximation of Output Probabilities of Constant-depth, Geometrically-local Quantum Circuits, Accepted to QIP 2021, 2020.
X. Xu, Kim, S., Bahl, G., and Taylor, J. M., A quasi-mode theory of chiral phonons, 2016.
G. Alagic and Russell, A., Quantum-Secure Symmetric-Key Cryptography Based on Hidden Shifts, In: Coron JS., Nielsen J. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, vol. 10212, 2017.
G. Alagic, Majenz, C., Russell, A., and Song, F., Quantum-secure message authentication via blind-unforgeability, 2018.
N. - H. Chia, Li, T., Lin, H. - H., and Wang, C., Quantum-inspired classical sublinear-time algorithm for solving low-rank semidefinite programming via sampling approaches, 2019.
V. Dunjko, Taylor, J. M., and Briegel, H. J., Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning, Physical Review Letters, vol. 117, no. 13, p. 130501, 2016.
J. Leng, Zheng, Y., and Wu, X., A quantum-classical performance separation in nonconvex optimization, 2023.
Y. Alexeev, Amsler, M., Baity, P., Barroca, M. Antonio, Bassini, S., Battelle, T., Camps, D., Casanova, D., Choi, Yjai, Chong, F. T., Chung, C., Codella, C., Corcoles, A. D., Cruise, J., Di Meglio, A., Dubois, J., Duran, I., Eckl, T., Economou, S., Eidenbenz, S., Elmegreen, B., Fare, C., Faro, I., Fernández, C. Sanz, Ferreira, R. Neumann Ba, Fuji, K., Fuller, B., Gagliardi, L., Galli, G., Glick, J. R., Gobbi, I., Gokhale, P., Gonzalez, Sde la Puen, Greiner, J., Gropp, B., Grossi, M., Gull, E., Healy, B., Huang, B., Humble, T. S., Ito, N., Izmaylov, A. F., Javadi-Abhari, A., Jennewein, D., Jha, S., Jiang, L., Jones, B., de Jong, W. Albert, Jurcevic, P., Kirby, W., Kister, S., Kitagawa, M., Klassen, J., Klymko, K., Koh, K., Kondo, M., Kurkcuoglu, D. Murat, Kurowski, K., Laino, T., Landfield, R., Leininger, M., Leyton-Ortega, V., Li, A., Lin, M., Liu, J., Lorente, N., Luckow, A., Martiel, S., Martin-Fernandez, F., Martonosi, M., Marvinney, C., Medina, A. Castaneda, Merten, D., Mezzacapo, A., Michielsen, K., Mitra, A., Mittal, T., Moon, K., Moore, J., Motta, M., Na, Y. - H., Nam, Y., Narang, P., Ohnishi, Y. -ya, Ottaviani, D., Otten, M., Pakin, S., Pascuzzi, V. R., Penault, E., Piontek, T., Pitera, J., Rall, P., Ravi, G. Subramania, Robertson, N., Rossi, M., Rydlichowski, P., Ryu, H., Samsonidze, G., Sato, M., Saurabh, N., Sharma, V., Sharma, K., Shin, S., Slessman, G., Steiner, M., Sitdikov, I., Suh, I. - S., Switzer, E., Tang, W., Thompson, J., Todo, S., Tran, M., Trenev, D., Trott, C., Tseng, H. - H., Tureci, E., Valinas, D. García, Vallecorsa, S., Wever, C., Wojciechowski, K., Wu, X., Yoo, S., Yoshioka, N., Yu, V. Wen-zhe, Yunoki, S., Zhuk, S., and Zubarev, D., Quantum-centric Supercomputing for Materials Science: A Perspective on Challenges and Future Directions, 2023.
G. Alagic, Majenz, C., Russell, A., and Song, F., Quantum-Access-Secure Message Authentication via Blind-Unforgeability, In: Canteaut A., Ishai Y. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, vol. 12-17, pp. 788-817 , 2020.
D. An, Linden, N., Liu, J. - P., Montanaro, A., Shao, C., and Wang, J., Quantum-accelerated multilevel Monte Carlo methods for stochastic differential equations in mathematical finance, Quantum 5, 481 (2021), vol. 5, p. 481, 2021.