voqc [Hietala et al. 2021b] (pronounced “vox”) is a compiler for quantum circuits, in the style of
tools like Qiskit [Aleksandrowicz et al. 2019], tket [Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd 2019],
Quilc [Rigetti Computing 2019], and Cirq [Developers 2021]. What makes voqc different from these
tools is that it has been formally verified in the Coq proof assistant [Coq Development Team 2019].
voqc source programs are expressed in sqir, a simple quantum intermediate representation, which
has a precise mathematical semantics. We use Gallina, Coq’s programming language, to implement
voqc transformations over sqir programs, and use Coq to prove the source program’s semantics
are preserved. We then extract these Gallina definitions to OCaml, and compile the OCaml code to
a library that can operate on standard-formatted circuits.
voqc, and sqir, were built to be general-purpose. For example, while we originally designed sqir
for use in verified optimizations, we subsequently found sqir could also be suitable for writing, and
proving correct, source programs [Hietala et al. 2021a]. We have continued to develop the voqc
codebase to expand its reach and utility.
In this abstract, we present new extensions to voqc as an illustration of its flexibility. These
include support for calling voqc transformations from Python, added support for new gate sets
and optimizations, and the extension of our notion of correctness to include mapping-preservation,
which allows us to apply optimizations after mapping, reducing the cost introduced by making a
program conform to hardware constraints.