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Theory of Quantum Computation and Communication

a bright blue glowing orb seen through a three dimensional latticework

If we had large-scale quantum computers and networks, what problems could they solve?

Theoretical work plays an important role in guiding the development of quantum technologies for computing and communication. It helps identify tasks – such as simulating quantum systems, enabling secure communication over untrusted networks, and solving hard problems in optimization, number theory and other areas of computational science – where quantum computers and networks can have large advantages over their classical counterparts. It addresses fundamental questions about the feasibility of performing large-scale quantum computation on realistic physical hardware, as well as the security of classical cryptography in a world where adversaries have large quantum computers.

Examples of QuICS research in this area include theoretical work on quantum algorithms, computational complexity, algorithms for quantum simulation, quantum machine learning, quantum and post-quantum cryptography, and quantum error correction and fault tolerance.

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