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S. Kotochigova, Tiesinga, E., and Julienne, P. S., Multi-channel modelling of the formation of vibrationally cold polar KRb molecules , New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 055043, 2009.
Y. Liu, Jung, S., Maxwell, S. E., Turner, L. D., Tiesinga, E., and Lett, P. D., Quantum Phase Transitions and Continuous Observation of Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Condensate , Physical Review Letters, vol. 102, no. 12, 2009.
T. M. Hanna, Tiesinga, E., and Julienne, P. S., Prediction of Feshbach resonances from three input parameters, Physical Review A, vol. 79, no. 4, 2009.
Y. Liu, Gomez, E., Maxwell, S. E., Turner, L. D., Tiesinga, E., and Lett, P. D., Number Fluctuations and Energy Dissipation in Sodium Spinor Condensates, Physical Review Letters, vol. 102, no. 22, 2009.
A. Hu, Mathey, L., Danshita, I., Tiesinga, E., Williams, C. J., and Clark, C. W., Counterflow and paired superfluidity in one-dimensional Bose mixtures in optical lattices , Physical Review A, vol. 80, no. 2, 2009.
L. Mathey, Tiesinga, E., Julienne, P. S., and Clark, C. W., Collisional cooling of ultra-cold atom ensembles using Feshbach resonances , Physical Review A, vol. 80, no. 3, 2009.