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Journal Article
P. Alsing, Battle, P., Bienfang, J. C., Borders, T., Brower-Thomas, T., Carr, L. D., Chong, F., Dadras, S., DeMarco, B., Deutsch, I., Figueroa, E., Freedman, D., Everitt, H., Gauthier, D., Johnston-Halperin, E., Kim, J., Kira, M., Kumar, P., Kwiat, P., Lekki, J., Loiacono, A., Lončar, M., Lowell, J. R., Lukin, M., Merzbacher, C., Miller, A., Monroe, C., Pollanen, J., Pappas, D., Raymer, M., Reano, R., Rodenburg, B., Savage, M., Searles, T., and Ye, J., Accelerating Progress Towards Practical Quantum Advantage: The Quantum Technology Demonstration Project Roadmap, 2023.
K. Sosnova, Carter, A., and Monroe, C., The Character of Motional Modes for Entanglement and Sympathetic Cooling of Mixed-Species Trapped Ion Chains, 2020.
K. R. Brown, Kim, J., and Monroe, C., Co-Designing a Scalable Quantum Computer with Trapped Atomic Ions, 2016.
M. P. Zaletel, Lukin, M., Monroe, C., Nayak, C., Wilczek, F., and Yao, N. Y., Colloquium: Quantum and Classical Discrete Time Crystals, 2023.
C. Figgatt, Maslov, D., Landsman, K. A., Linke, N. M., Debnath, S., and Monroe, C., Complete 3-Qubit Grover Search on a Programmable Quantum Computer, Nature Communications, accepted, 2017.
F. Liu, Lundgren, R., Titum, P., Pagano, G., Zhang, J., Monroe, C., and Gorshkov, A. V., Confined Dynamics in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 122 , no. 150601, 2019.
D. Zhu, Cian, Z. - P., Noel, C., Risinger, A., Biswas, D., Egan, L., Zhu, Y., Green, A. M., Alderete, C. Huerta, Nguyen, N. H., Wang, Q., Maksymov, A., Nam, Y., Cetina, M., Linke, N. M., Hafezi, M., and Monroe, C., Cross-Platform Comparison of Arbitrary Quantum Computations, 2021.
Q. Wang, Zhukas, L., Miao, Q., Dalvi, A. S., Love, P. J., Monroe, C., Chong, F. T., and Ravi, G. Subramania, Demonstration of a CAFQA-bootstrapped Variational Quantum Eigensolver on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer, 2024.
N. Solmeyer, Linke, N. M., Figgatt, C., Landsman, K. A., Balu, R., Siopsis, G., and Monroe, C., Demonstration of Bayesian quantum game on an ion trap quantum computer, 2018.
D. Awschalom, Berggren, K. K., Bernien, H., Bhave, S., Carr, L. D., Davids, P., Economou, S. E., Englund, D., Faraon, A., Fejer, M., Guha, S., Gustafsson, M. V., Hu, E., Jiang, L., Kim, J., Korzh, B., Kumar, P., Kwiat, P. G., Lončar, M., Lukin, M. D., Miller, D. A. B., Monroe, C., Nam, S. Woo, Narang, P., and Orcutt, J. S., Development of Quantum InterConnects for Next-Generation Information Technologies, 2019.
D. V. Else, Monroe, C., Nayak, C., and Yao, N. Y., Discrete Time Crystals, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics , vol. 11, pp. 467-499, 2020.
P. Richerme, Senko, C., Smith, J., Lee, A., Korenblit, S., and Monroe, C., Experimental Performance of a Quantum Simulator: Optimizing Adiabatic Evolution and Identifying Many-Body Ground States , Physical Review A, vol. 88, no. 1, 2013.
J. O'Reilly, Toh, G., Goetting, I., Saha, S., Shalaev, M., Carter, A., Risinger, A., Kalakuntla, A., Li, T., Verma, A., and Monroe, C., Fast photon-mediated entanglement of continuously-cooled trapped ions for quantum networking, 2024.
L. Egan, Debroy, D. M., Noel, C., Risinger, A., Zhu, D., Biswas, D., Newman, M., Li, M., Brown, K. R., Cetina, M., and Monroe, C., Fault-Tolerant Operation of a Quantum Error-Correction Code, 2020.
Y. Nam, Chen, J. - S., Pisenti, N. C., Wright, K., Delaney, C., Maslov, D., Brown, K. R., Allen, S., Amini, J. M., Apisdorf, J., Beck, K. M., Blinov, A., Chaplin, V., Chmielewski, M., Collins, C., Debnath, S., Ducore, A. M., Hudek, K. M., Keesan, M., Kreikemeier, S. M., Mizrahi, J., Solomon, P., Williams, M., Wong-Campos, J. David, Monroe, C., and Kim, J., Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer, 2019.
K. Qian, Eldredge, Z., Ge, W., Pagano, G., Monroe, C., Porto, J. V., and Gorshkov, A. V., Heisenberg-Scaling Measurement Protocol for Analytic Functions with Quantum Sensor Networks, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 100, no. 042304, 2019.
C. Crocker, Lichtman, M., Sosnova, K., Carter, A., Scarano, S., and Monroe, C., High Purity Single Photons Entangled with an Atomic Memory, 2018.
D. Zhu, Kahanamoku-Meyer, G. D., Lewis, L., Noel, C., Katz, O., Harraz, B., Wang, Q., Risinger, A., Feng, L., Biswas, D., Egan, L., Gheorghiu, A., Nam, Y., Vidick, T., Vazirani, U., Yao, N. Y., Cetina, M., and Monroe, C., Interactive Protocols for Classically-Verifiable Quantum Advantage, 2021.
Z. - X. Gong, Maghrebi, M. F., Hu, A., Foss-Feig, M., Richerme, P., Monroe, C., and Gorshkov, A. V., Kaleidoscope of quantum phases in a long-range interacting spin-1 chain, Physical Review B, vol. 93, no. 20, p. 205115, 2016.
H. B. Kaplan, Guo, L., Tan, W. Lin, De, A., Marquardt, F., Pagano, G., and Monroe, C., Many-Body Dephasing in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 125, no. 120605, 2020.
J. Smith, Lee, A., Richerme, P., Neyenhuis, B., Hess, P. W., Hauke, P., Heyl, M., Huse, D. A., and Monroe, C., Many-body localization in a quantum simulator with programmable random disorder, Nature Physics, 2016.
T. Schuster, Kobrin, B., Gao, P., Cong, I., Khabiboulline, E. T., Linke, N. M., Lukin, M. D., Monroe, C., Yoshida, B., and Yao, N. Y., Many-Body Quantum Teleportation via Operator Spreading in the Traversable Wormhole Protocol, Physical Review X, vol. 12, 2022.
O. Katz, Cetina, M., and Monroe, C., N-body interactions between trapped ion qubits via spin-dependent squeezing, Physical Review Letters, vol. 129, 2022.