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Journal Article
A. M. Childs, Maslov, D., Nam, Y., Ross, N. J., and Su, Y., Toward the first quantum simulation with quantum speedup, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 115 , pp. 9456-9461, 2018.
Y. Su and Watrous, J., Time-reversal of rank-one quantum strategy functions, Quantum , vol. 2, no. 98, 2018.
D. W. Berry, Childs, A. M., Su, Y., Wang, X., and Wiebe, N., Time-dependent Hamiltonian simulation with L1-norm scaling, Quantum, vol. 4, no. 254, 2020.
A. M. Childs, Su, Y., Tran, M. C., Wiebe, N., and Zhu, S., Theory of Trotter Error with Commutator Scaling, Phys. Rev. X, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 49, 2021.
S. Xu, Susskind, L., Su, Y., and Swingle, B., A Sparse Model of Quantum Holography, 2020.
A. Gilyen, Su, Y., Low, G. Hao, and Wiebe, N., Quantum singular value transformation and beyond: exponential improvements for quantum matrix arithmetics, Proceedings of the 51st ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing , pp. 193-204, 2018.
X. Wang, Wilde, M. M., and Su, Y., Quantifying the magic of quantum channels, New Journal of Physics, vol. 21, no. 103002, 2019.
Y. Tong, Albert, V. V., McClean, J. R., Preskill, J., and Su, Y., Provably accurate simulation of gauge theories and bosonic systems, Quantum, vol. 6, p. 816, 2022.
P. C. S. Costa, An, D., Sanders, Y. R., Su, Y., Babbush, R., and Berry, D. W., Optimal scaling quantum linear systems solver via discrete adiabatic theorem, 2021.
A. M. Childs and Su, Y., Nearly optimal lattice simulation by product formulas, Phys. Rev. Lett. , vol. 123, no. 050503, 2019.
M. C. Tran, Guo, A. Y., Su, Y., Garrison, J. R., Eldredge, Z., Foss-Feig, M., Childs, A. M., and Gorshkov, A. V., Locality and digital quantum simulation of power-law interactions, Phys. Rev. X 9, 031006, vol. 9, no. 031006, 2019.
A. Y. Guo, Deshpande, A., Chu, S. - K., Eldredge, Z., Bienias, P., Devulapalli, D., Su, Y., Childs, A. M., and Gorshkov, A. V., Implementing a Fast Unbounded Quantum Fanout Gate Using Power-Law Interactions, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 4, no. L042016, 2022.
Y. Su, Framework for Hamiltonian simulation and beyond: standard-form encoding, qubitization, and quantum signal processing, Quantum Views , vol. 3, no. 21, 2019.
A. M. Childs, Ostrander, A., and Su, Y., Faster quantum simulation by randomization, Quantum , vol. 3, no. 182, 2019.
M. C. Tran, Su, Y., Carney, D., and Taylor, J. M., Faster Digital Quantum Simulation by Symmetry Protection, PRX Quantum, vol. 2, 2021.
Z. Yang, Zhang, T., Lu, J., Su, Y., Zhang, D., and Duan, Y., Extreme learning machines for regression based on V-matrix method, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2017.
X. Wang, Wilde, M. M., and Su, Y., Efficiently computable bounds for magic state distillation, Phys. Rev. Lett. , vol. 124, no. 090505, 2020.
M. C. Tran, Chu, S. - K., Su, Y., Childs, A. M., and Gorshkov, A. V., Destructive Error Interference in Product-Formula Lattice Simulation, Phys. Rev. Lett. , vol. 124, no. 220502, 2020.
Y. Nam, Ross, N. J., Su, Y., Childs, A. M., and Maslov, D., Automated optimization of large quantum circuits with continuous parameters, npj:Quantum Information, vol. 4, no. 23, 2018.
Y. Nam, Su, Y., and Maslov, D., Approximate Quantum Fourier Transform with O(nlog(n)) T gates, npj Quantum Information , vol. 6, no. 26, 2020.