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Journal Article
J. K. Perron, Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., Stewart, Jr., M. D., and Zimmerman, N. M., Valley Blockade in a Silicon Double Quantum Dot, Physical Review B, vol. 96, no. 20, p. 205302, 2017.
Y. Wang, Gullans, M., Na, X., and Gorshkov, A. V., Universality in one-dimensional scattering with general dispersion relations, Phys. Rev. Res., vol. 4, 2022.
Y. Wang, Gullans, M., Na, X., Whitsitt, S., and Gorshkov, A. V., Universal scattering with general dispersion relations, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 4, 2022.
D. P. Ornelas Huerta, Bienias, P., Craddock, A. N., Gullans, M., Hachtel, A. J., Kalinowski, M., Lyon, M. E., Gorshkov, A. V., Rolston, S. L., and Porto, J. V., Tunable three-body loss in a nonlinear Rydberg medium, Phys. Rev. Lett., in press , 2021.
A. Deshpande, Fefferman, B., Gorshkov, A. V., Gullans, M., Niroula, P., and Shtanko, O., Tight bounds on the convergence of noisy random circuits to uniform, 2021.
P. Niroula, Gopalakrishnan, S., and Gullans, M., Thresholds in the Robustness of Error Mitigation in Noisy Quantum Dynamics, 2023.
Y. - Y. Liu, Stehlik, J., Eichler, C., Mi, X., Hartke, T. R., Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R., Threshold Dynamics of a Semiconductor Single Atom Maser, Physical Review Letters, vol. 119, no. 9, p. 097702, 2017.
A. Lavasani, Gullans, M., Albert, V. V., and Barkeshli, M., On stability of k-local quantum phases of matter, 2024.
M. Gullans, Stehlik, J., Liu, Y. - Y., Petta, J. R., and Taylor, J. M., Sisyphus Thermalization of Photons in a Cavity-Coupled Double Quantum Dot, Physical Review Letters, vol. 117, no. 5, p. 056801, 2016.
C. L. Baldwin, Bienias, P., Gorshkov, A. V., Gullans, M., and Maghrebi, M., Singularities in nearly-uniform 1D condensates due to quantum diffusion, 2021.
M. Gullans, Chang, D. E., Koppens, F. H. L., de Abajo, F. J. García, and Lukin, M. D., Single-photon nonlinear optics with graphene plasmons, Physical Review Letters, vol. 111, no. 24, 2013.
Y. Wang, Gullans, M., Browaeys, A., Porto, J. V., Chang, D. E., and Gorshkov, A. V., Single-photon bound states in atomic ensembles, 2018.
B. Ware, Deshpande, A., Hangleiter, D., Niroula, P., Fefferman, B., Gorshkov, A. V., and Gullans, M., A sharp phase transition in linear cross-entropy benchmarking, 2023.
Y. - Y. Liu, Stehlik, J., Eichler, C., Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R., Semiconductor double quantum dot micromaser, Science, vol. 347, no. 6219, pp. 285 - 287, 2015.
G. M. Sommers, Gullans, M., and Huse, D. A., Self-dual quasiperiodic percolation, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 107, p. 024137, 2023.
P. Bienias, Choi, S., Firstenberg, O., Maghrebi, M. F., Gullans, M., Lukin, M. D., Gorshkov, A. V., and Büchler, H. P., Scattering resonances and bound states for strongly interacting Rydberg polaritons , Physical Review A, vol. 90, no. 5, 2014.
M. Kalinowski, Wang, Y., Bienias, P., Gullans, M., Ornelas-Huerta, D. P., Craddock, A. N., Rolston, S. L., Porto, J. V., Büchler, H. Peter, and Gorshkov, A. V., Resonant enhancement of three-body loss between strongly interacting photons, 2020.
X. Xu, Gullans, M., and Taylor, J. M., Quantum Nonlinear Optics Near Optomechanical Instabilities, Physical Review A, vol. 91, no. 1, p. 013818, 2015.
M. Gullans and Taylor, J. M., A Quantum Network of Silicon Qubits using Mid-Infrared Graphene Plasmons, 2014.
C. J. Cao, Gullans, M., Lackey, B., and Wang, Z., Quantum Lego Expansion Pack: Enumerators from Tensor Networks, 2023.
M. Gullans, Krastanov, S., Huse, D. A., Jiang, L., and Flammia, S. T., Quantum coding with low-depth random circuits, 2020.
M. Gullans, Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R., Probing electron-phonon interactions in the charge-photon dynamics of cavity-coupled double quantum dots, Physical Review B, vol. 97, no. 3, p. 035305, 2018.
M. Gullans, Krich, J. J., Taylor, J. M., Halperin, B. I., and Lukin, M. D., Preparation of Non-equilibrium Nuclear Spin States in Double Quantum Dots , Physical Review B, vol. 88, no. 3, 2013.
S. Gandhari, Albert, V. V., Gerrits, T., Taylor, J. M., and Gullans, M., Precision Bounds on Continuous-Variable State Tomography Using Classical Shadows, PRX Quantum, vol. 5, p. 010346, 2024.
C. - H. Wang, Gullans, M., Porto, J. V., Phillips, W. D., and Taylor, J. M., Photon thermalization via laser cooling of atoms, Phys. Rev. A 98, 013834, 2018.