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Journal Article
L. K. Shalm, Zhang, Y., Bienfang, J. C., Schlager, C., Stevens, M. J., Mazurek, M. D., Abellán, C., Amaya, W., Mitchell, M. W., Alhejji, M. A., Fu, H., Ornstein, J., Mirin, R. P., Nam, S. Woo, and Knill, E., Device-independent Randomness Expansion with Entangled Photons, Nat. Phys. , 2021.
Y. Zhang, Fu, H., and Knill, E., Efficient randomness certification by quantum probability estimation, Phys. Rev. Research , vol. 2, no. 013016, 2020.
Y. Zhang, Shalm, L. K., Bienfang, J. C., Stevens, M. J., Mazurek, M. D., Nam, S. Woo, Abellán, C., Amaya, W., Mitchell, M. W., Fu, H., Miller, C., Mink, A., and Knill, E., Experimental Low-Latency Device-Independent Quantum Randomness, Phys. Rev. Lett. , vol. 124, no. 010505, 2020.
P. Bierhorst, Knill, E., Glancy, S., Mink, A., Jordan, S. P., Rommal, A., Liu, Y. - K., Christensen, B., Nam, S. Woo, and Shalm, L. K., Experimentally Generated Random Numbers Certified by the Impossibility of Superluminal Signaling, 2017.
P. Bierhorst, Knill, E., Glancy, S., Zhang, Y., Mink, A., Jordan, S., Rommal, A., Liu, Y. - K., Christensen, B., Nam, S. Woo, Stevens, M. J., and Shalm, L. K., Experimentally Generated Randomness Certified by the Impossibility of Superluminal Signals, Nature, vol. 556, pp. 223-226, 2018.