
A. Zabalo, Gullans, M., Wilson, J. H., Vasseur, R., Ludwig, A. W. W., Gopalakrishnan, S., Huse, D. A., and Pixley, J. H., Operator Scaling Dimensions and Multifractality at Measurement-Induced Transitions, Physical Review Letters, vol. 128, 2022.
W. Shirley, Chen, Y. - A., Dua, A., Ellison, T. D., Tantivasadakarn, N., and Williamson, D. J., Three-dimensional quantum cellular automata from chiral semion surface topological order and beyond, 2022.
A. Deshpande, Gorshkov, A. V., and Fefferman, B., Importance of the Spectral gap in Estimating Ground-State Energies, PRX Quantum, vol. 3, 2022.
E. Culf, Vidick, T., and Albert, V. V., Group coset monogamy games and an application to device-independent continuous-variable QKD, 2022.
A. He, Lou, D., She, E., Guo, S., Watson, H., Weng, S., Perepechaenko, M., and Kuang, R., FIPS Compliant Quantum Secure Communication using Quantum Permutation Pad, 2022.
Q. Zhao, Zhou, Y., Shaw, A. F., Li, T., and Childs, A. M., Hamiltonian simulation with random inputs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 270502, vol. 129, no. 270502, 2022.
C. Miller, The Mathematics of Quantum Coin-Flipping, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 1908-1917, 2022.
S. Ghosh, Deshpande, A., Hangleiter, D., Gorshkov, A. V., and Fefferman, B., Sharp complexity phase transitions generated by entanglement, 2022.
N. Yunger Halpern, Kothakonda, N. B. T., Haferkamp, J., Munson, A., Eisert, J., and Faist, P., Resource theory of quantum uncomplexity, Physical Review A, vol. 106, 2022.
S. Gandhari, Albert, V. V., Gerrits, T., Taylor, J. M., and Gullans, M., Continuous-Variable Shadow Tomography, 2022.
D. An, Liu, J. - P., Wang, D., and Zhao, Q., A theory of quantum differential equation solvers: limitations and fast-forwarding, 2022.
W. Fang, Ying, M., and Wu, X., Differentiable Quantum Programming with Unbounded Loops, 2022.
A. M. Childs, Leng, J., Li, T., Liu, J. - P., and Zhang, C., Quantum simulation of real-space dynamics, Quantum, vol. 6, p. 860, 2022.
T. D. Ellison, Chen, Y. - A., Dua, A., Shirley, W., Tantivasadakarn, N., and Williamson, D. J., Pauli topological subsystem codes from Abelian anyon theories, 2022.
E. Huang, Pesah, A., Chubb, C. T., Vasmer, M., and Dua, A., Tailoring three-dimensional topological codes for biased noise, 2022.
M. Barkeshli, Chen, Y. - A., Hsin, P. - S., and Kobayashi, R., Higher-group symmetry in finite gauge theory and stabilizer codes, 2022.
D. Grier, Pashayan, H., and Schaeffer, L., Sample-optimal classical shadows for pure states, 2022.
L. Feng, Katz, O., Haack, C., Maghrebi, M., Gorshkov, A. V., Gong, Z., Cetina, M., and Monroe, C., Continuous Symmetry Breaking in a Trapped-Ion Spin Chain, 2022.
L. Li, Zhu, M., Lee, Y., Chang, L., and Wu, X., Quantum Natural Proof: A New Perspective of Hybrid Quantum-Classical Program Verification, 2022.
V. V. Albert, Bosonic coding: introduction and use cases, 2022.
P. C. S. Costa, An, D., Sanders, Y. R., Su, Y., Babbush, R., and Berry, D. W., Optimal scaling quantum linear systems solver via discrete adiabatic theorem, PRX Quantum, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 040303, 2022.
D. Gottesman, Opportunities and Challenges in Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation, 2022.
A. Y. Guo, Deshpande, A., Chu, S. - K., Eldredge, Z., Bienias, P., Devulapalli, D., Su, Y., Childs, A. M., and Gorshkov, A. V., Implementing a Fast Unbounded Quantum Fanout Gate Using Power-Law Interactions, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 4, no. L042016, 2022.
Y. - A. Chen, Gorshkov, A. V., and Xu, Y., Error-correcting codes for fermionic quantum simulation, 2022.
A. M. Childs, Li, T., Liu, J. - P., Wang, C., and Zhang, R., Quantum Algorithms for Sampling Log-Concave Distributions and Estimating Normalizing Constants, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), vol. 35, no. 23205, 2022.