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Journal Article
N. Y. Yao, Laumann, C. R., Gorshkov, A. V., Weimer, H., Jiang, L., J. Cirac, I., Zoller, P., and Lukin, M. D., Topologically Protected Quantum State Transfer in a Chiral Spin Liquid, Nature Communications, vol. 4, p. 1585, 2013.
N. Berthusen, Devulapalli, D., Schoute, E., Childs, A. M., Gullans, M. J., Gorshkov, A. V., and Gottesman, D., Toward a 2D Local Implementation of Quantum LDPC Codes, 2024.
A. Ehrenberg, Iosue, J. T., Deshpande, A., Hangleiter, D., and Gorshkov, A. V., Transition of Anticoncentration in Gaussian Boson Sampling, 2023.
R. Belyansky, Whitsitt, S., Lundgren, R., Wang, Y., Vrajitoarea, A., Houck, A. A., and Gorshkov, A. V., Transport and dynamics in the frustrated two-bath spin-boson model, 2020.
A. V. Gorshkov, Manmana, S. R., Chen, G., Ye, J., Demler, E., Lukin, M. D., and Rey, A. Maria, Tunable Superfluidity and Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Polar Molecules , Physical Review Letters, vol. 107, no. 11, 2011.
D. P. Ornelas Huerta, Bienias, P., Craddock, A. N., Gullans, M., Hachtel, A. J., Kalinowski, M., Lyon, M. E., Gorshkov, A. V., Rolston, S. L., and Porto, J. V., Tunable three-body loss in a nonlinear Rydberg medium, Phys. Rev. Lett., in press , 2021.
A. V. Gorshkov, Hermele, M., Gurarie, V., Xu, C., Julienne, P. S., Ye, J., Zoller, P., Demler, E., Lukin, M. D., and Rey, A. M., Two-orbital SU(N) magnetism with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms, Nature Phys., vol. 6, p. 289, 2010.
A. Vrajitoarea, Belyansky, R., Lundgren, R., Whitsitt, S., Gorshkov, A. V., and Houck, A. A., Ultrastrong light-matter interaction in a multimode photonic crystal, 2024.
A. Vrajitoarea, Belyansky, R., Lundgren, R., Whitsitt, S., Gorshkov, A. V., and Houck, A. A., Ultrastrong light-matter interaction in a photonic crystal, 2022.
L. Pedro García-Pintos, Nicholson, S., Green, J. R., del Campo, A., and Gorshkov, A. V., Unifying Quantum and Classical Speed Limits on Observables, 2021.
A. Bapat, Eldredge, Z., Garrison, J. R., Desphande, A., Chong, F. T., and Gorshkov, A. V., Unitary Entanglement Construction in Hierarchical Networks, 2018.
A. V. Gorshkov, Andre, A., Fleischhauer, M., Sorensen, A. S., and Lukin, M. D., Universal Approach to Optimal Photon Storage in Atomic Media, Physical Review Letters, vol. 98, no. 12, 2007.
Y. Wang, Gullans, M., Na, X., Whitsitt, S., and Gorshkov, A. V., Universal scattering with general dispersion relations, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 4, 2022.
Y. Wang, Gullans, M., Na, X., and Gorshkov, A. V., Universality in one-dimensional scattering with general dispersion relations, Phys. Rev. Res., vol. 4, 2022.