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Journal Article
K. A. Landsman, Figgatt, C., Schuster, T., Linke, N. M., Yoshida, B., Yao, N. Y., and Monroe, C., Verified Quantum Information Scrambling, 2018.
N. Y. Yao, Laumann, C. R., Gorshkov, A. V., Weimer, H., Jiang, L., J. Cirac, I., Zoller, P., and Lukin, M. D., Topologically Protected Quantum State Transfer in a Chiral Spin Liquid, Nature Communications, vol. 4, p. 1585, 2013.
N. Y. Yao, Laumann, C. R., Gorshkov, A. V., Bennett, S. D., Demler, E., Zoller, P., and Lukin, M. D., Topological Flat Bands from Dipolar Spin Systems, Physical Review Letters, vol. 109, no. 26, 2012.
N. Y. Yao, Jiang, L., Gorshkov, A. V., Maurer, P. C., Giedke, G., J. Cirac, I., and Lukin, M. D., Scalable Architecture for a Room Temperature Solid-State Quantum Information Processor , Nature Communications, vol. 3, p. 800, 2012.
N. Y. Yao, Jiang, L., Gorshkov, A. V., Gong, Z. - X., Zhai, A., Duan, L. - M., and Lukin, M. D., Robust Quantum State Transfer in Random Unpolarized Spin Chains, Physical Review Letters, vol. 106, no. 4, 2011.
N. Y. Yao, Gorshkov, A. V., Laumann, C. R., Läuchli, A. M., Ye, J., and Lukin, M. D., Realizing Fractional Chern Insulators with Dipolar Spins, Physical Review Letters, vol. 110, no. 18, 2013.
N. Y. Yao, Gong, Z. - X., Laumann, C. R., Bennett, S. D., Duan, L. - M., Lukin, M. D., Jiang, L., and Gorshkov, A. V., Quantum Logic between Remote Quantum Registers, Physical Review A, vol. 87, no. 2, 2013.
A. Kyprianidis, Machado, F., Morong, W., Becker, P., Collins, K. S., Else, D. V., Feng, L., Hess, P. W., Nayak, C., Pagano, G., Yao, N. Y., and Monroe, C., Observation of a prethermal discrete time crystal, 2021.
T. Schuster, Kobrin, B., Gao, P., Cong, I., Khabiboulline, E. T., Linke, N. M., Lukin, M. D., Monroe, C., Yoshida, B., and Yao, N. Y., Many-Body Quantum Teleportation via Operator Spreading in the Traversable Wormhole Protocol, Physical Review X, vol. 12, 2022.
K. R. A. Hazzard, Gadway, B., Foss-Feig, M., Yan, B., Moses, S. A., Covey, J. P., Yao, N. Y., Lukin, M. D., Ye, J., Jin, D. S., and Rey, A. Maria, Many-body dynamics of dipolar molecules in an optical lattice, Physical Review Letters, vol. 113, no. 19, 2014.
D. Zhu, Kahanamoku-Meyer, G. D., Lewis, L., Noel, C., Katz, O., Harraz, B., Wang, Q., Risinger, A., Feng, L., Biswas, D., Egan, L., Gheorghiu, A., Nam, Y., Vidick, T., Vazirani, U., Yao, N. Y., Cetina, M., and Monroe, C., Interactive Protocols for Classically-Verifiable Quantum Advantage, 2021.
M. F. Maghrebi, Yao, N. Y., Hafezi, M., Pohl, T., Firstenberg, O., and Gorshkov, A. V., Fractional Quantum Hall States of Rydberg Polaritons, Physical Review A, vol. 91, no. 3, p. 033838, 2015.
D. V. Else, Monroe, C., Nayak, C., and Yao, N. Y., Discrete Time Crystals, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics , vol. 11, pp. 467-499, 2020.
M. Lemeshko, Yao, N. Y., Gorshkov, A. V., Weimer, H., Bennett, S. D., Momose, T., and Gopalakrishnan, S., Controllable quantum spin glasses with magnetic impurities embedded in quantum solids , Physical Review B, vol. 88, no. 1, 2013.
M. P. Zaletel, Lukin, M., Monroe, C., Nayak, C., Wilczek, F., and Yao, N. Y., Colloquium: Quantum and Classical Discrete Time Crystals, 2023.
N. Y. Yao, Bennett, S. D., Laumann, C. R., Lev, B. L., and Gorshkov, A. V., Bilayer fractional quantum Hall states with ultracold dysprosium, Physical Review A, vol. 92, no. 3, p. 033609, 2015.