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Journal Article
G. M. Sommers, Huse, D. A., and Gullans, M. J., Dynamically generated concatenated codes and their phase diagrams, p. 9/20/2024, 2024.
A. Zabalo, Wilson, J. H., Gullans, M., Vasseur, R., Gopalakrishnan, S., Huse, D. A., and Pixley, J. H., Infinite-randomness criticality in monitored quantum dynamics with static disorder, 2022.
J. Smith, Lee, A., Richerme, P., Neyenhuis, B., Hess, P. W., Hauke, P., Heyl, M., Huse, D. A., and Monroe, C., Many-body localization in a quantum simulator with programmable random disorder, Nature Physics, 2016.
S. Majidy, Lasek, A., Huse, D. A., and Halpern, N. Yunger, Non-Abelian symmetry can increase entanglement entropy, Physical Review B, vol. 107, 2023.
C. Noel, Niroula, P., Zhu, D., Risinger, A., Egan, L., Biswas, D., Cetina, M., Gorshkov, A. V., Gullans, M., Huse, D. A., and Monroe, C., Observation of measurement-induced quantum phases in a trapped-ion quantum computer, 2021.
A. Zabalo, Gullans, M., Wilson, J. H., Vasseur, R., Ludwig, A. W. W., Gopalakrishnan, S., Huse, D. A., and Pixley, J. H., Operator Scaling Dimensions and Multifractality at Measurement-Induced Transitions, Physical Review Letters, vol. 128, 2022.
M. Gullans, Krastanov, S., Huse, D. A., Jiang, L., and Flammia, S. T., Quantum coding with low-depth random circuits, 2020.