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P. Richerme, Senko, C., Korenblit, S., Smith, J., Lee, A., Islam, R., Campbell, W. C., and Monroe, C., Quantum Catalysis of Magnetic Phase Transitions in a Quantum Simulator, Physical Review Letters, vol. 111, no. 10, 2013.
Y. Alexeev, Bacon, D., Brown, K. R., Calderbank, R., Carr, L. D., Chong, F. T., DeMarco, B., Englund, D., Farhi, E., Fefferman, B., Gorshkov, A. V., Houck, A., Kim, J., Kimmel, S., Lange, M., Lloyd, S., Lukin, M. D., Maslov, D., Maunz, P., Monroe, C., Preskill, J., Roetteler, M., Savage, M., Thompson, J., and Vazirani, U., Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery, 2019.
T. D. Ladd, Jelezko, F., Laflamme, R., Nakamura, Y., Monroe, C., and O'Brien, J. L., Quantum Computing, Nature, vol. 464, no. 7285, pp. 45 - 53, 2010.
S. Santra, Muralidharan, S., Lichtman, M., Jiang, L., Monroe, C., and Malinovsky, V. S., Quantum repeaters based on two species trapped ions, New J. Phys. , vol. 21, no. 073002, 2019.
S. Korenblit, Kafri, D., Campbell, W. C., Islam, R., Edwards, E. E., Gong, Z. - X., Lin, G. - D., Duan, L., Kim, J., Kim, K., and Monroe, C., Quantum Simulation of Spin Models on an Arbitrary Lattice with Trapped Ions , New Journal of Physics, vol. 14, no. 9, p. 095024, 2012.
E. Altman, Brown, K. R., Carleo, G., Carr, L. D., Demler, E., Chin, C., DeMarco, B., Economou, S. E., Eriksson, M. A., Fu, K. - M. C., Greiner, M., Hazzard, K. R. A., Hulet, R. G., Kollár, A. J., Lev, B. L., Lukin, M. D., Ma, R., Mi, X., Misra, S., Monroe, C., Murch, K., Nazario, Z., Ni, K. - K., Potter, A. C., and Roushan, P., Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities, 2019.
H. C. Alderete, Singh, S., Nguyen, N. H., Zhu, D., Balu, R., Monroe, C., Chandrashekar, C. M., and Linke, N. M., Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer, 2020.