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S. Ben-David, Bouland, A., Garg, A., and Kothari, R., Classical lower bounds from quantum upper bounds, 2018.
S. Ben-David, Childs, A. M., Gilyen, A., Kretschmer, W., Podder, S., and Wang, D., Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups, in Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2020), pp. 649–660 (2020), 2020.
R. Belyansky, Whitsitt, S., Lundgren, R., Wang, Y., Vrajitoarea, A., Houck, A. A., and Gorshkov, A. V., Frustration-induced anomalous transport and strong photon decay in waveguide QED, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 3, no. 032058, 2021.
R. Belyansky, Whitsitt, S., Mueller, N., Fahimniya, A., Bennewitz, E. R., Davoudi, Z., and Gorshkov, A. V., High-Energy Collision of Quarks and Hadrons in the Schwinger Model: From Tensor Networks to Circuit QED, 2023.
R. Belyansky, Young, J. T., Bienias, P., Eldredge, Z., Kaufman, A. M., Zoller, P., and Gorshkov, A. V., Nondestructive cooling of an atomic quantum register via state-insensitive Rydberg interactions, 2019.
R. Belyansky, Whitsitt, S., Mueller, N., Fahimniya, A., Bennewitz, E. R., Davoudi, Z., and Gorshkov, A. V., High-Energy Collision of Quarks and Mesons in the Schwinger Model: From Tensor Networks to Circuit QED, Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, 2024.
R. Belyansky, Bienias, P., Kharkov, Y. A., Gorshkov, A. V., and Swingle, B., Minimal model for fast scrambling, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 125, no. 130601, 2020.
R. Belyansky, Whitsitt, S., Lundgren, R., Wang, Y., Vrajitoarea, A., Houck, A. A., and Gorshkov, A. V., Transport and dynamics in the frustrated two-bath spin-boson model, 2020.
S. Beigi, Chen, J., Grassl, M., Ji, Z., Wang, Q., and Zeng, B., Symmetries of Codeword Stabilized Quantum Codes, 8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2013), vol. 22, pp. 192-206, 2013.
S. Bäuml, Das, S., Wang, X., and Wilde, M. M., Resource theory of entanglement for bipartite quantum channels, 2019.
F. Baumer, Münchow, F., Görlitz, A., Maxwell, S. E., Julienne, P. S., and Tiesinga, E., Spatial separation in a thermal mixture of ultracold $^174$Yb and $^87$Rb atoms , Physical Review A, vol. 83, no. 4, 2011.
Ä. Baumeler, Gilani, A. Shiraz, and Rashid, J., Unlimited non-causal correlations and their relation to non-locality, Quantum, vol. 6, p. 673, 2022.
C. W. Bauer, Davoudi, Z., A. Balantekin, B., Bhattacharya, T., Carena, M., de Jong, W. A., Draper, P., El-Khadra, A., Gemelke, N., Hanada, M., Kharzeev, D., Lamm, H., Li, Y. - Y., Liu, J., Lukin, M., Meurice, Y., Monroe, C., Nachman, B., Pagano, G., Preskill, J., Rinaldi, E., Roggero, A., Santiago, D. I., Savage, M. J., Siddiqi, I., Siopsis, G., Van Zanten, D., Wiebe, N., Yamauchi, Y., Yeter-Aydeniz, K., and Zorzetti, S., Quantum Simulation for High Energy Physics, 2022.
C. W. Bauer, Davoudi, Z., Klco, N., and Savage, M. J., Quantum Simulating Nature's Fundamental Fields, Nature Reviews Physics, vol. 5, pp. 420–432, 2023.
A. O. Barvinsky, Carney, D., and Stamp, P. C. E., Structure of Correlated Worldline Theories of Quantum Gravity, Phys. Rev., vol. D, no. 98, p. 084052, 2018.
M. Barkeshli, Chen, Y. - A., Huang, S. - J., Kobayashi, R., Tantivasadakarn, N., and Zhu, G., Codimension-2 defects and higher symmetries in (3+1)D topological phases, 2022.
M. Barkeshli, Chen, Y. - A., Hsin, P. - S., and Manjunath, N., Classification of (2+1)D invertible fermionic topological phases with symmetry, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 105, no. 235143, 2022.
M. Barkeshli, Chen, Y. - A., Hsin, P. - S., and Kobayashi, R., Higher-group symmetry in finite gauge theory and stabilizer codes, 2022.
D. S. Barker, Carney, D., LeBrun, T. W., Moore, D. C., and Taylor, J. M., Collision-resolved pressure sensing, 2023.
A. Barg, Coble, N. J., Hangleiter, D., and Kang, C., Geometric structure and transversal logic of quantum Reed-Muller codes, 2024.
M. Barbosa, Barthe, G., Doczkal, C., Don, J., Fehr, S., Grégoire, B., Huang, Y. - H., Hülsing, A., Lee, Y., and Wu, X., Fixing and Mechanizing the Security Proof of Fiat-Shamir with Aborts and Dilithium, in Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2023, Cham, 2023.
M. Barbosa, Barthe, G., Fan, X., Grégoire, B., Hung, S. - H., Katz, J., Strub, P. - Y., Wu, X., and Zhou, L., EasyPQC: Verifying Post-Quantum Cryptography, ACM CCS 2021, 2021.
A. Bapat, Eldredge, Z., Garrison, J. R., Desphande, A., Chong, F. T., and Gorshkov, A. V., Unitary Entanglement Construction in Hierarchical Networks, 2018.
A. Bapat, Schoute, E., Gorshkov, A. V., and Childs, A. M., Nearly optimal time-independent reversal of a spin chain, accepted for publication in Physical Review Research, 2020.
A. Bapat, Childs, A. M., Gorshkov, A. V., and Schoute, E., Advantages and limitations of quantum routing, PRX Quantum, vol. 4, no. 010313, 2023.