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A. S. Green, Lumsdaine, P. LeFanu, Ross, N. J., Selinger, P., and Valiron, B., An Introduction to Quantum Programming in Quipper, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7948, pp. 110-124, 2013.
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A. M. Childs, Leung, D., Mancinska, L., and Ozols, M., Interpolatability distinguishes LOCC from separable von Neumann measurements, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 54, no. 11, p. 112204, 2013.
A. S. Green, Lumsdaine, P. LeFanu, Ross, N. J., Selinger, P., and Valiron, B., Quipper: A Scalable Quantum Programming Language, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 333-342, 2013.
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A. M. Childs, Kothari, R., Ozols, M., and Roetteler, M., Easy and hard functions for the Boolean hidden shift problem, Proceedings of TQC 2013, vol. 22, pp. 50-79, 2013.
S. Kimmel, Quantum Adversary (Upper) Bound, Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1 - 14, 2013.
S. Beigi, Chen, J., Grassl, M., Ji, Z., Wang, Q., and Zeng, B., Symmetries of Codeword Stabilized Quantum Codes, 8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2013), vol. 22, pp. 192-206, 2013.
A. M. Childs, Jeffery, S., Kothari, R., and Magniez, F., A Time-Efficient Quantum Walk for 3-Distinctness Using Nested Updates, 2013.
A. M. Childs, Gosset, D., and Webb, Z., Universal computation by multi-particle quantum walk, Science, vol. 339, no. 6121, pp. 791 - 794, 2013.
A. M. Childs and Wiebe, N., Product Formulas for Exponentials of Commutators, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 54, no. 6, p. 062202, 2013.
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M. J. Martin, Bishof, M., Swallows, M. D., Zhang, X., Benko, C., von-Stecher, J., Gorshkov, A. V., Rey, A. M., and Ye, J., A quantum many-body spin system in an optical lattice clock, Science, vol. 341, p. 632, 2013.
O. Firstenberg, Lukin, M. D., Peyronel, T., Liang, Q. - Y., Vuletic, V., Gorshkov, A. V., Hofferberth, S., and Pohl, T., Quantum Nonlinear Optics: Strongly Interacting Photons, Opt. Photonics News, vol. 24, p. 48, 2013.
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