M. Gullans, Stehlik, J., Liu, Y. - Y., Petta, J. R., and Taylor, J. M.,
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S. Ragole, Xu, H., Lawall, J., and Taylor, J. M.,
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Y. - Y. Liu, Stehlik, J., Eichler, C., Mi, X., Hartke, T. R., Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R.,
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D. Carney, Häffner, H., Moore, D. C., and Taylor, J. M.,
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V. Srinivasa, Xu, H., and Taylor, J. M.,
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D. Carney, Hook, A., Liu, Z., Taylor, J. M., and Zhao, Y.,
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J. K. Perron, Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., Stewart, Jr., M. D., and Zimmerman, N. M.,
“Valley Blockade in a Silicon Double Quantum Dot”,
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