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Journal Article
R. Lundgren, Gorshkov, A. V., and Maghrebi, M. F., On the nature of the non-equilibrium phase transition in the non-Markovian driven Dicke model, 2019.
A. Bapat, Schoute, E., Gorshkov, A. V., and Childs, A. M., Nearly optimal time-independent reversal of a spin chain, accepted for publication in Physical Review Research, 2020.
M. Foss-Feig, Gong, Z. - X., Clark, C. W., and Gorshkov, A. V., Nearly-linear light cones in long-range interacting quantum systems, Physical Review Letters, vol. 114, no. 15, p. 157201, 2015.
R. Belyansky, Young, J. T., Bienias, P., Eldredge, Z., Kaufman, A. M., Zoller, P., and Gorshkov, A. V., Nondestructive cooling of an atomic quantum register via state-insensitive Rydberg interactions, 2019.
A. De, Cook, P., Collins, K., Morong, W., Paz, D., Titum, P., Pagano, G., Gorshkov, A. V., Maghrebi, M., and Monroe, C., Non-equilibrium critical scaling and universality in a quantum simulator, 2023.
J. T. Young, Gorshkov, A. V., Foss-Feig, M., and Maghrebi, M. F., Non-equilibrium fixed points of coupled Ising models, Phys. Rev. X , vol. 10, no. 011039 , 2020.
M. F. Maghrebi and Gorshkov, A. V., Nonequilibrium many-body steady states via Keldysh formalism, Physical Review B, vol. 93, no. 1, p. 014307, 2016.
P. Richerme, Gong, Z. - X., Lee, A., Senko, C., Smith, J., Foss-Feig, M., Michalakis, S., Gorshkov, A. V., and Monroe, C., Non-local propagation of correlations in long-range interacting quantum systems , Nature, vol. 511, no. 7508, pp. 198 - 201, 2014.
B. Neyenhuis, Smith, J., Lee, A. C., Zhang, J., Richerme, P., Hess, P. W., Gong, Z. - X., Gorshkov, A. V., and Monroe, C., Observation of Prethermalization in Long-Range Interacting Spin Chains, 2016.
A. Schuckert, Katz, O., Feng, L., Crane, E., De, A., Hafezi, M., Gorshkov, A. V., and Monroe, C., Observation of a finite-energy phase transition in a one-dimensional quantum simulator, 2023.
J. Zhang, Pagano, G., Hess, P. W., Kyprianidis, A., Becker, P., Kaplan, H., Gorshkov, A. V., Gong, Z. - X., and Monroe, C., Observation of a Many-Body Dynamical Phase Transition with a 53-Qubit Quantum Simulator, Nature, vol. 551, pp. 601-604, 2017.
W. L. Tan, Becker, P., Liu, F., Pagano, G., Collins, K. S., De, A., Feng, L., Kaplan, H. B., Kyprianidis, A., Lundgren, R., Morong, W., Whitsitt, S., Gorshkov, A. V., and Monroe, C., Observation of Domain Wall Confinement and Dynamics in a Quantum Simulator, 2019.
C. Noel, Niroula, P., Zhu, D., Risinger, A., Egan, L., Biswas, D., Cetina, M., Gorshkov, A. V., Gullans, M., Huse, D. A., and Monroe, C., Observation of measurement-induced quantum phases in a trapped-ion quantum computer, 2021.
W. Morong, Liu, F., Becker, P., Collins, K. S., Feng, L., Kyprianidis, A., Pagano, G., You, T., Gorshkov, A. V., and Monroe, C., Observation of Stark many-body localization without disorder, 2021.
Q. - Y. Liang, Venkatramani, A. V., Cantu, S. H., Nicholson, T. L., Gullans, M., Gorshkov, A. V., Thompson, J. D., Chin, C., Lukin, M. D., and Vuletic, V., Observation of three-photon bound states in a quantum nonlinear medium, Science, vol. 359, no. 6377, pp. 783-786, 2018.
D. P. Ornelas-Huerta, Craddock, A. N., Goldschmidt, E. A., Hachtel, A. J., Wang, Y., Bienias, P., Gorshkov, A. V., Rolston, S. L., and Porto, J. V., On-demand indistinguishable single photons from an efficient and pure source based on a Rydberg ensemble, 2020.
I. C. Cloët, Dietrich, M. R., Arrington, J., Bazavov, A., Bishof, M., Freese, A., Gorshkov, A. V., Grassellino, A., Hafidi, K., Jacob, Z., McGuigan, M., Meurice, Y., Meziani, Z. - E., Mueller, P., Muschik, C., Osborn, J., Otten, M., Petreczky, P., Polakovic, T., Poon, A., Pooser, R., Roggero, A., Saffman, M., VanDevender, B., Zhang, J., and Zohar, E., Opportunities for Nuclear Physics & Quantum Information Science, 2019.
O. Katz, Reches, E., Shaham, R., Gorshkov, A. V., and Firstenberg, O., Optical quantum memory with optically inaccessible noble-gas spins, 2020.
Z. Eldredge, Foss-Feig, M., Rolston, S. L., and Gorshkov, A. V., Optimal and Secure Measurement Protocols for Quantum Sensor Networks, 2018.
I. Novikova, Gorshkov, A. V., Phillips, D. F., Sorensen, A. S., Lukin, M. D., and Walsworth, R. L., Optimal control of light pulse storage and retrieval, Physical Review Letters, vol. 98, no. 24, 2007.
J. Bringewatt, Ehrenberg, A., Goel, T., and Gorshkov, A. V., Optimal function estimation with photonic quantum sensor networks, Physical Review Research, vol. 6, 2024.
N. B. Phillips, Gorshkov, A. V., and Novikova, I., Optimal light storage in atomic vapor, Physical Review A, vol. 78, no. 2, 2008.
I. Novikova, Phillips, N. B., and Gorshkov, A. V., Optimal light storage with full pulse shape control, Physical Review A, vol. 78, no. 2, 2008.
I. Novikova, Phillips, N. B., and Gorshkov, A. V., Optimal light storage with full pulse-shape control, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 78, p. 021802(R), 2008.
T. Qian, Bringewatt, J., Boettcher, I., Bienias, P., and Gorshkov, A. V., Optimal Measurement of Field Properties with Quantum Sensor Networks, 2020.