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Journal Article
M. Gullans, Stehlik, J., Liu, Y. - Y., Petta, J. R., and Taylor, J. M., Sisyphus Thermalization of Photons in a Cavity-Coupled Double Quantum Dot, Physical Review Letters, vol. 117, no. 5, p. 056801, 2016.
D. Carney, Chen, Y., Geraci, A., Müller, H., Panda, C. D., Stamp, P. C. E., and Taylor, J. M., Snowmass 2021 White Paper: Tabletop experiments for infrared quantum gravity, 2022.
T. Windchime Collaboration, Attanasio, A., Bhave, S. A., Blanco, C., Carney, D., Demarteau, M., Elshimy, B., Febbraro, M., Feldman, M. A., Ghosh, S., Hickin, A., Hong, S., Lang, R. F., Lawrie, B., Li, S., Liu, Z., Maldonado, J. P. A., Marvinney, C., Oo, H. Zay Yar, Pai, Y. - Y., Pooser, R., Qin, J., Sparmann, T. J., Taylor, J. M., Tian, H., and Tunnell, C., Snowmass 2021 White Paper: The Windchime Project, 2022.
J. M. Taylor, Dür, W., Zoller, P., Yacoby, A., Marcus, C. M., and Lukin, M. D., Solid-state circuit for spin entanglement generation and purification, Physical Review Letters, vol. 94, no. 23, 2005.
D. Carney and Taylor, J. M., Strongly incoherent gravity, 2023.
V. Dunjko, Liu, Y. - K., Wu, X., and Taylor, J. M., Super-polynomial and exponential improvements for quantum-enhanced reinforcement learning, 2017.
D. Carney, Stamp, P. C. E., and Taylor, J. M., Tabletop experiments for quantum gravity: a user's manual, 2018.
D. Carney, Stamp, P. C. E., and Taylor, J. M., Tabletop experiments for quantum gravity: a user's manual, 2018.
D. Carney, Müller, H., and Taylor, J. M., Testing quantum gravity with interactive information sensing, 2021.
B. J. Weber, Kalantre, S. S., McJunkin, T., Taylor, J. M., and Zwolak, J. P., Theoretical bounds on data requirements for the ray-based classification, SN Comput. Sci., vol. 3, no. 57, 2022.
S. Ragole, Xu, H., Lawall, J., and Taylor, J. M., Thermodynamic limits for optomechanical systems with conservative potentials, Physical Review B, vol. 96, no. 18, p. 184106, 2017.
Y. - Y. Liu, Stehlik, J., Eichler, C., Mi, X., Hartke, T. R., Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R., Threshold Dynamics of a Semiconductor Single Atom Maser, Physical Review Letters, vol. 119, no. 9, p. 097702, 2017.
J. Ziegler, McJunkin, T., Joseph, E. S., Kalantre, S. S., Harpt, B., Savage, D. E., Lagally, M. G., Eriksson, M. A., Taylor, J. M., and Zwolak, J. P., Toward Robust Autotuning of Noisy Quantum dot Devices, Physical Review Applied, vol. 17, 2022.
D. Carney, Häffner, H., Moore, D. C., and Taylor, J. M., Trapped electrons and ions as particle detectors, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 127, no. 061804 , 2021.
V. Srinivasa, Xu, H., and Taylor, J. M., Tunable Spin Qubit Coupling Mediated by a Multi-Electron Quantum Dot, Physical Review Letters, vol. 114, no. 22, p. 226803, 2015.
D. Carney, Hook, A., Liu, Z., Taylor, J. M., and Zhao, Y., Ultralight dark matter detection with mechanical quantum sensors, New Journal of Physics, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 023041, 2021.
H. Xu and Taylor, J. M., Unified approach to topological quantum computation with anyons: From qubit encoding to Toffoli gate, Physical Review A, vol. 84, no. 1, 2011.
D. Carney, Müller, H., and Taylor, J. M., Using an Atom Interferometer to Infer Gravitational Entanglement Generation, PRX Quantum, vol. 2, no. 030330, 2021.
J. K. Perron, Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., Stewart, Jr., M. D., and Zimmerman, N. M., Valley Blockade in a Silicon Double Quantum Dot, Physical Review B, vol. 96, no. 20, p. 205302, 2017.
J. M. Taylor and Calarco, T., Wigner crystals of ions as quantum hard drives, Physical Review A, vol. 78, no. 6, 2008.