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Journal Article
D. Maslov and Nam, Y., Use of global interactions in efficient quantum circuit constructions, New Journal of Physics, 2017.
A. M. Childs, Maslov, D., Nam, Y., Ross, N. J., and Su, Y., Toward the first quantum simulation with quantum speedup, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 115 , pp. 9456-9461, 2018.
D. Maslov and Roetteler, M., Shorter stabilizer circuits via Bruhat decomposition and quantum circuit transformations, 2017.
Y. Alexeev, Bacon, D., Brown, K. R., Calderbank, R., Carr, L. D., Chong, F. T., DeMarco, B., Englund, D., Farhi, E., Fefferman, B., Gorshkov, A. V., Houck, A., Kim, J., Kimmel, S., Lange, M., Lloyd, S., Lukin, M. D., Maslov, D., Maunz, P., Monroe, C., Preskill, J., Roetteler, M., Savage, M., Thompson, J., and Vazirani, U., Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery, 2019.
V. Kliuchnikov, Maslov, D., and Mosca, M., Practical Approximation of Single-Qubit Unitaries by Single-Qubit Quantum Clifford and T Circuits, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 161 - 172, 2016.
D. Maslov, Optimal and asymptotically optimal NCT reversible circuits by the gate types, Quantum Information & Computation, vol. 16, no. 13 & 14, pp. 1096-1112, 2016.
Y. Nam, Chen, J. - S., Pisenti, N. C., Wright, K., Delaney, C., Maslov, D., Brown, K. R., Allen, S., Amini, J. M., Apisdorf, J., Beck, K. M., Blinov, A., Chaplin, V., Chmielewski, M., Collins, C., Debnath, S., Ducore, A. M., Hudek, K. M., Keesan, M., Kreikemeier, S. M., Mizrahi, J., Solomon, P., Williams, M., Wong-Campos, J. David, Monroe, C., and Kim, J., Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer, 2019.
C. Figgatt, Maslov, D., Landsman, K. A., Linke, N. M., Debnath, S., and Monroe, C., Complete 3-Qubit Grover Search on a Programmable Quantum Computer, Nature Communications, accepted, 2017.
D. Maslov, Basic circuit compilation techniques for an ion-trap quantum machine, New Journal of Physics, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 023035, 2017.
Y. Nam, Ross, N. J., Su, Y., Childs, A. M., and Maslov, D., Automated optimization of large quantum circuits with continuous parameters, npj:Quantum Information, vol. 4, no. 23, 2018.
Y. Nam, Su, Y., and Maslov, D., Approximate Quantum Fourier Transform with O(nlog(n)) T gates, npj Quantum Information , vol. 6, no. 26, 2020.
D. Maslov, On the advantages of using relative phase Toffolis with an application to multiple control Toffoli optimization, Physical Review A, vol. 93, no. 2, p. 022311, 2016.