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R. Dou and Zwolak, J. P., Practitioner's guide to social network analysis: Examining physics anxiety in an active-learning setting, 2018.
A. Bapat, Eldredge, Z., Garrison, J. R., Desphande, A., Chong, F. T., and Gorshkov, A. V., Unitary Entanglement Construction in Hierarchical Networks, 2018.
N. Yunger Halpern, Swingle, B., and Dressel, J., The quasiprobability behind the out-of-time-ordered correlator, Phys. Rev. , vol. A, no. 97, 2018.
P. Nguyen, Devakul, T., Halbasch, M. G., Zaletel, M. P., and Swingle, B., Entanglement of purification: from spin chains to holography, Journal of High Energy Physics, p. 98, 2018.
J. Bringewatt, Dorland, W., Jordan, S. P., and Mink, A., Diffusion Monte Carlo Versus Adiabatic Computation for Local Hamiltonians, Physical Review A, vol. 97, no. 2, p. 022323, 2018.
R. Thomas, Chilcott, M., Tiesinga, E., Deb, A. B., and Kjærgaard, N., Observation of bound state self-interaction in a nano-eV atom collider, Nature Communications , vol. 9, no. 4895, 2018.
F. Liu, Garrison, J. R., Deng, D. - L., Gong, Z. - X., and Gorshkov, A. V., Asymmetric Particle Transport and Light-Cone Dynamics Induced by Anyonic Statistics, Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 121, no. 250404, 2018.
A. Seif, DeGottardi, W., Esfarjani, K., and Hafezi, M., Thermal management and non-reciprocal control of phonon flow via optomechanics, Nat. Commun., vol. 9(1), no. 1207, 2018.
G. Alagic, Alperin-Sheriff, J., Apon, D., Cooper, D., Dang, Q., Miller, C., Moody, D., Peralta, R., Perlner, R., Robinson, A., Smith-Tone, D., and Liu, Y. - K., Status Report on the First Round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process, School: National Institute for Standards and Technology , 2019.
Y. Nam, Chen, J. - S., Pisenti, N. C., Wright, K., Delaney, C., Maslov, D., Brown, K. R., Allen, S., Amini, J. M., Apisdorf, J., Beck, K. M., Blinov, A., Chaplin, V., Chmielewski, M., Collins, C., Debnath, S., Ducore, A. M., Hudek, K. M., Keesan, M., Kreikemeier, S. M., Mizrahi, J., Solomon, P., Williams, M., Wong-Campos, J. David, Monroe, C., and Kim, J., Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer, 2019.
Y. Nam, Chen, J. - S., Pisenti, N. C., Wright, K., Delaney, C., Maslov, D., Brown, K. R., Allen, S., Amini, J. M., Apisdorf, J., Beck, K. M., Blinov, A., Chaplin, V., Chmielewski, M., Collins, C., Debnath, S., Ducore, A. M., Hudek, K. M., Keesan, M., Kreikemeier, S. M., Mizrahi, J., Solomon, P., Williams, M., Wong-Campos, J. David, Monroe, C., and Kim, J., Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer, 2019.
Y. Nam, Chen, J. - S., Pisenti, N. C., Wright, K., Delaney, C., Maslov, D., Brown, K. R., Allen, S., Amini, J. M., Apisdorf, J., Beck, K. M., Blinov, A., Chaplin, V., Chmielewski, M., Collins, C., Debnath, S., Ducore, A. M., Hudek, K. M., Keesan, M., Kreikemeier, S. M., Mizrahi, J., Solomon, P., Williams, M., Wong-Campos, J. David, Monroe, C., and Kim, J., Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer, 2019.
I. C. Cloët, Dietrich, M. R., Arrington, J., Bazavov, A., Bishof, M., Freese, A., Gorshkov, A. V., Grassellino, A., Hafidi, K., Jacob, Z., McGuigan, M., Meurice, Y., Meziani, Z. - E., Mueller, P., Muschik, C., Osborn, J., Otten, M., Petreczky, P., Polakovic, T., Poon, A., Pooser, R., Roggero, A., Saffman, M., VanDevender, B., Zhang, J., and Zohar, E., Opportunities for Nuclear Physics & Quantum Information Science, 2019.
Z. - P. Cian, Zhu, G., Chu, S. - K., Seif, A., DeGottardi, W., Jiang, L., and Hafezi, M., Photon pair condensation by engineered dissipation, Phys. Rev. Lett. , vol. 123, no. 063602, 2019.
K. A. Landsman, Wu, Y., Leung, P. Hong, Zhu, D., Linke, N. M., Brown, K. R., Duan, L., and Monroe, C. R., Two-qubit entangling gates within arbitrarily long chains of trapped ions, 2019.
G. Pagano, Bapat, A., Becker, P., Collins, K. S., De, A., Hess, P. W., Kaplan, H. B., Kyprianidis, A., Tan, W. L., Baldwin, C. L., Brady, L. T., Deshpande, A., Liu, F., Jordan, S., Gorshkov, A. V., and Monroe, C., Quantum Approximate Optimization with a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator, 2019.
G. Pagano, Bapat, A., Becker, P., Collins, K. S., De, A., Hess, P. W., Kaplan, H. B., Kyprianidis, A., Tan, W. L., Baldwin, C. L., Brady, L. T., Deshpande, A., Liu, F., Jordan, S., Gorshkov, A. V., and Monroe, C., Quantum Approximate Optimization with a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator, 2019.
N. Maskara, Deshpande, A., Tran, M. C., Ehrenberg, A., Fefferman, B., and Gorshkov, A. V., Complexity phase diagram for interacting and long-range bosonic Hamiltonians, 2019.
S. Bäuml, Das, S., Wang, X., and Wilde, M. M., Resource theory of entanglement for bipartite quantum channels, 2019.
J. Bringewatt, Dorland, W., and Jordan, S. P., Polynomial Time Algorithms for Estimating Spectra of Adiabatic Hamiltonians, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 100, no. 032336, 2019.
D. Awschalom, Berggren, K. K., Bernien, H., Bhave, S., Carr, L. D., Davids, P., Economou, S. E., Englund, D., Faraon, A., Fejer, M., Guha, S., Gustafsson, M. V., Hu, E., Jiang, L., Kim, J., Korzh, B., Kumar, P., Kwiat, P. G., Lončar, M., Lukin, M. D., Miller, D. A. B., Monroe, C., Nam, S. Woo, Narang, P., and Orcutt, J. S., Development of Quantum InterConnects for Next-Generation Information Technologies, 2019.
E. Altman, Brown, K. R., Carleo, G., Carr, L. D., Demler, E., Chin, C., DeMarco, B., Economou, S. E., Eriksson, M. A., Fu, K. - M. C., Greiner, M., Hazzard, K. R. A., Hulet, R. G., Kollár, A. J., Lev, B. L., Lukin, M. D., Ma, R., Mi, X., Misra, S., Monroe, C., Murch, K., Nazario, Z., Ni, K. - K., Potter, A. C., and Roushan, P., Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities, 2019.
E. Altman, Brown, K. R., Carleo, G., Carr, L. D., Demler, E., Chin, C., DeMarco, B., Economou, S. E., Eriksson, M. A., Fu, K. - M. C., Greiner, M., Hazzard, K. R. A., Hulet, R. G., Kollár, A. J., Lev, B. L., Lukin, M. D., Ma, R., Mi, X., Misra, S., Monroe, C., Murch, K., Nazario, Z., Ni, K. - K., Potter, A. C., and Roushan, P., Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities, 2019.
Y. Alexeev, Bacon, D., Brown, K. R., Calderbank, R., Carr, L. D., Chong, F. T., DeMarco, B., Englund, D., Farhi, E., Fefferman, B., Gorshkov, A. V., Houck, A., Kim, J., Kimmel, S., Lange, M., Lloyd, S., Lukin, M. D., Maslov, D., Maunz, P., Monroe, C., Preskill, J., Roetteler, M., Savage, M., Thompson, J., and Vazirani, U., Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery, 2019.
C. Monroe, Campbell, W. C., Duan, L. - M., Gong, Z. - X., Gorshkov, A. V., Hess, P., Islam, R., Kim, K., Pagano, G., Richerme, P., Senko, C., and Yao, N. Y., Programmable Quantum Simulations of Spin Systems with Trapped Ions, 2019.