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Journal Article
G. Premawardhana, Kunjummen, J., Subhankar, S., and Taylor, J. M., Feasibility of a trapped atom interferometer with accelerating optical traps, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 109, p. 053316, 2024.
L. I. Childress, Taylor, J. M., Sorensen, A. S., and Lukin, M. D., Fault-tolerant quantum repeaters with minimal physical resources, and implementations based on single photon emitters, Physical Review A, vol. 72, no. 5, 2005.
L. Childress, Taylor, J. M., Sorensen, A. S., and Lukin, M. D., Fault-tolerant Quantum Communication with Minimal Physical Requirements, Physical Review Letters, vol. 96, no. 7, 2006.
M. C. Tran, Su, Y., Carney, D., and Taylor, J. M., Faster Digital Quantum Simulation by Symmetry Protection, PRX Quantum, vol. 2, 2021.
J. D. Baltrusch, Negretti, A., Taylor, J. M., and Calarco, T., Fast and robust quantum computation with ionic Wigner crystals, Physical Review A, vol. 83, no. 4, 2011.
L. Jiang, Taylor, J. M., and Lukin, M. D., A fast and robust approach to long-distance quantum communication with atomic ensembles, Physical Review A, vol. 76, no. 1, 2007.
V. Dunjko, Liu, Y. - K., Wu, X., and Taylor, J. M., Exponential improvements for quantum-accessible reinforcement learning, 2017.
Y. Subasi, Fleming, C. H., Taylor, J. M., and Hu, B. L., The equilibrium states of open quantum systems in the strong coupling regime, Physical Review E, vol. 86, no. 6, 2012.
V. Srinivasa, Taylor, J. M., and Tahan, C., Entangling distant resonant exchange qubits via circuit quantum electrodynamics, Physical Review B, vol. 94, no. 20, p. 205421, 2016.
E. Zeuthen, Schliesser, A., Taylor, J. M., and Sørensen, A. S., Electro-optomechanical equivalent circuits for quantum transduction, 2018.
K. Takeda, Nagasaka, K., Noguchi, A., Yamazaki, R., Nakamura, Y., Iwase, E., Taylor, J. M., and Usami, K., Electro-mechano-optical NMR detection, Optica, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 152-158, 2018.
J. M. Taylor, Srinivasa, V., and Medford, J., Electrically-protected resonant exchange qubits in triple quantum dots, Physical Review Letters, vol. 111, no. 5, 2013.
M. Gullans, Diehl, S., Rittenhouse, S. T., Ruzic, B. P., D'Incao, J. P., Julienne, P., Gorshkov, A. V., and Taylor, J. M., Efimov States of Strongly Interacting Photons, Physical Review Letters, vol. 119, no. 23, p. 233601, 2017.
S. Kim, Xu, X., Taylor, J. M., and Bahl, G., Dynamically induced robust phonon transport and chiral cooling in an optomechanical system, Nature Communications, vol. 8, p. 205, 2017.
S. Kim, Taylor, J. M., and Bahl, G., Dynamic suppression of Rayleigh light scattering in dielectric resonators, 2018.
M. Gullans, Krich, J. J., Taylor, J. M., Bluhm, H., Halperin, B. I., Marcus, C. M., Stopa, M., Yacoby, A., and Lukin, M. D., Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Double Quantum Dots, Physical Review Letters, vol. 104, no. 22, 2010.
J. Stehlik, Liu, Y. - Y., Eichler, C., Hartke, T. R., Mi, X., Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R., Double Quantum Dot Floquet Gain Medium, Physical Review X, vol. 6, p. 041027, 2016.
J. M. Taylor and Lukin, M. D., Dephasing of quantum bits by a quasi-static mesoscopic environment, 2005.
J. Kunjummen, Carney, D., and Taylor, J. M., Decoherence from Long-Range Forces in Atom Interferometry, Phys. Rev. A , vol. 107, no. 033319, 2023.
X. Xu, Purdy, T., and Taylor, J. M., Cooling a harmonic oscillator by optomechanical modification of its bath, Physical Review Letters, vol. 118, p. 223602, 2017.
J. M. Taylor, Imamoglu, A., and Lukin, M. D., Controlling a mesoscopic spin environment by quantum bit manipulation, Physical Review Letters, vol. 91, no. 24, 2003.
S. Gandhari, Albert, V. V., Gerrits, T., Taylor, J. M., and Gullans, M., Continuous-Variable Shadow Tomography, 2022.
D. Carney, Müller, H., and Taylor, J. M., Comment on "Using an atom interferometer to infer gravitational entanglement generation'', 2021.
J. P. Zwolak and Taylor, J. M., Colloquium: Advances in automation of quantum dot devices control, Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 95, 2023.
D. S. Barker, Carney, D., LeBrun, T. W., Moore, D. C., and Taylor, J. M., Collision-resolved pressure sensing, 2023.