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Journal Article
T. Li, Gong, Z. - X., Yin, Z. -qi, Quan, H. T., Yin, X., Zhang, P., Duan, L. - M., and Zhang, X., Reply to Comment on "Space-Time Crystals of Trapped Ions, 2012.
N. Y. Yao, Jiang, L., Gorshkov, A. V., Gong, Z. - X., Zhai, A., Duan, L. - M., and Lukin, M. D., Robust Quantum State Transfer in Random Unpolarized Spin Chains, Physical Review Letters, vol. 106, no. 4, 2011.
A. Y. Guo, Tran, M. C., Childs, A. M., Gorshkov, A. V., and Gong, Z. - X., Signaling and Scrambling with Strongly Long-Range Interactions, Physical Review A, vol. 102, no. 010401(R), 2020.
W. - X. Yang and Gong, Z. - X., Simple scheme for implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm in thermal cavity , Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 155 - 161, 2007.
T. Li, Gong, Z. - X., Yin, Z. - Q., Quan, H. T., Yin, X., Zhang, P., Duan, L. - M., and Zhang, X., Space-Time Crystals of Trapped Ions, Physical Review Letters, vol. 109, no. 16, p. 163001, 2012.
Z. - X. Gong, Xu, M., Foss-Feig, M., Thompson, J. K., Rey, A. Maria, Holland, M., and Gorshkov, A. V., Steady-state superradiance with Rydberg polaritons, arXiv:1611.00797, 2016.
Z. - X. Gong, Lin, G. - D., and Duan, L. - M., Temperature driven structural phase transition for trapped ions and its experimental detection , Physical Review Letters, vol. 105, no. 26, 2010.
Z. - X. Gong, Maghrebi, M. F., Hu, A., Wall, M. L., Foss-Feig, M., and Gorshkov, A. V., Topological phases with long-range interactions, Physical Review B, vol. 93, no. 4, p. 041102, 2016.