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Journal Article
K. Seetharam, Titum, P., Kolodrubetz, M., and Refael, G., Absence of Thermalization in Finite Isolated Interacting Floquet Systems, Physical Review B, vol. 97, no. 1, p. 014311, 2018.
F. Liu, Lundgren, R., Titum, P., Garrison, J. R., and Gorshkov, A. V., Circuit Complexity across a Topological Phase Transition, Physical Review Research , vol. 2, no. 1, p. 013323, 2020.
F. Liu, Lundgren, R., Titum, P., Pagano, G., Zhang, J., Monroe, C., and Gorshkov, A. V., Confined Dynamics in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 122 , no. 150601, 2019.
P. Titum, Lindner, N. H., and Refael, G., Disorder induced transitions in resonantly driven Floquet Topological Insulators, Physical Review B, vol. 96, no. 5, p. 054207, 2017.
P. Titum, Quito, V. L., and Syzranov, S. V., Energy-level statistics in strongly disordered systems with power-law hopping, Phys. Rev. , vol. B, no. 98, p. 014201, 2018.
M. C. Tran, Ehrenberg, A., Guo, A. Y., Titum, P., Abanin, D. A., and Gorshkov, A. V., Locality and Heating in Periodically Driven, Power-law Interacting Systems, Phys. Rev. A , vol. 100, no. 052103, 2019.
P. Titum, Schultz, K. M., Seif, A., Quiroz, G. D., and Clader, B. D., Optimal control for quantum detectors, 2020.
P. Bienias, Douglas, J., Paris-Mandoki, A., Titum, P., Mirgorodskiy, I., Tresp, C., Zeuthen, E., Gullans, M., Manzoni, M., Hofferberth, S., Chang, D., and Gorshkov, A. V., Photon propagation through dissipative Rydberg media at large input rates, 2018.
P. Titum, Iosue, J. T., Garrison, J. R., Gorshkov, A. V., and Gong, Z. - X., Probing ground-state phase transitions through quench dynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 123, no. 115701, 2019.