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Journal Article
Z. Davoudi, Hafezi, M., Monroe, C., Pagano, G., Seif, A., and Shaw, A., Towards analog quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories with trapped ions, Physical Review Research , vol. 2, no. 023015, 2020.
A. Seif, DeGottardi, W., Esfarjani, K., and Hafezi, M., Thermal management and non-reciprocal control of phonon flow via optomechanics, Nat. Commun., vol. 9(1), no. 1207, 2018.
K. Huang, Farfurnik, D., Seif, A., Hafezi, M., and Liu, Y. - K., Random Pulse Sequences for Qubit Noise Spectroscopy, 2023.
Z. - P. Cian, Zhu, G., Chu, S. - K., Seif, A., DeGottardi, W., Jiang, L., and Hafezi, M., Photon pair condensation by engineered dissipation, Phys. Rev. Lett. , vol. 123, no. 063602, 2019.
P. Titum, Schultz, K. M., Seif, A., Quiroz, G. D., and Clader, B. D., Optimal control for quantum detectors, 2020.
P. Bienias, Seif, A., and Hafezi, M., Meta Hamiltonian Learning, 2021.
H. Pichler, Zhu, G., Seif, A., Zoller, P., and Hafezi, M., Measurement Protocol for the Entanglement Spectrum of Cold Atoms, Phys. Rev. X , vol. 6(4), no. 041033, 2016.
A. Seif, Hafezi, M., and Jarzynski, C., Machine learning the thermodynamic arrow of time, Nat. Phys., pp. 1-9, 2020.
A. Seif, Landsman, K. A., Linke, N. M., Figgatt, C., Monroe, C., and Hafezi, M., Machine learning assisted readout of trapped-ion qubits, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., vol. 51, 2018.
M. Van Regemortel, Cian, Z. - P., Seif, A., Dehghani, H., and Hafezi, M., Entanglement entropy scaling transition under competing monitoring protocols, 2020.
Y. Kharkov, Shtanko, O., Seif, A., Bienias, P., Van Regemortel, M., Hafezi, M., and Gorshkov, A. V., Discovering hydrodynamic equations of many-body quantum systems, 2021.
E. - J. Kuo, Seif, A., Lundgren, R., Whitsitt, S., and Hafezi, M., Decoding conformal field theories: from supervised to unsupervised learning, 2021.
A. Seif, Hafezi, M., and Liu, Y. - K., Compressed Sensing Measurement of Long-Range Correlated Noise, 2021.
A. Seif and Hafezi, M., Broadband optomechanical non-reciprocity, Nature Photon , vol. 12, pp. 60-61, 2018.