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V. Dunjko, Liu, Y. - K., Wu, X., and Taylor, J. M., Exponential improvements for quantum-accessible reinforcement learning, 2017.
P. Bierhorst, Knill, E., Glancy, S., Zhang, Y., Mink, A., Jordan, S., Rommal, A., Liu, Y. - K., Christensen, B., Nam, S. Woo, Stevens, M. J., and Shalm, L. K., Experimentally Generated Randomness Certified by the Impossibility of Superluminal Signals, Nature, vol. 556, pp. 223-226, 2018.
P. Bierhorst, Knill, E., Glancy, S., Mink, A., Jordan, S. P., Rommal, A., Liu, Y. - K., Christensen, B., Nam, S. Woo, and Shalm, L. K., Experimentally Generated Random Numbers Certified by the Impossibility of Superluminal Signaling, 2017.
Z. Liu, Devulapalli, D., Hangleiter, D., Liu, Y. - K., Kollár, A. J., Gorshkov, A. V., and Childs, A. M., Efficiently verifiable quantum advantage on near-term analog quantum simulators, 2024.
M. Cramer, Plenio, M. B., Flammia, S. T., Gross, D., Bartlett, S. D., Somma, R., Landon-Cardinal, O., Liu, Y. - K., and Poulin, D., Efficient quantum state tomography, Nature Communications, vol. 1, no. 9, p. 149, 2010.
O. Landon-Cardinal, Liu, Y. - K., and Poulin, D., Efficient Direct Tomography for Matrix Product States, 2010.