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Y. - K. Liu, Gibbs States and the Consistency of Local Density Matrices, 2006.
Y. - K. Liu, Christandl, M., and Verstraete, F., N-representability is QMA-complete, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 98, no. 11, 2007.
Y. - K. Liu, Quantum Algorithms Using the Curvelet Transform, Proc. ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), pp. 391-400, 2009.
Y. - K. Liu, Privacy Amplification in the Isolated Qubits Model, Eurocrypt, pp. 785-814, 2014.
Y. - K. Liu, The Complexity of the Consistency and N-representability Problems for Quantum States, 2007.
Y. - K. Liu, An Uncertainty Principle for the Curvelet Transform, and the Infeasibility of Quantum Algorithms for Finding Short Lattice Vectors, 2023.
Y. - K. Liu, Single-shot security for one-time memories in the isolated qubits model, CRYPTO, vol. Part II, pp. 19-36, 2014.
Y. - K. Liu, The Local Consistency Problem for Stoquastic and 1-D Quantum Systems, 2007.
Y. - K. Liu, An Uncertainty Principle for the Curvelet Transform, and the Infeasibility of Quantum Algorithms for Finding Short Lattice Vectors, 2023.
Y. - K. Liu, Universal low-rank matrix recovery from Pauli measurements, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), pp. 1638-1646, 2011.
Y. - K. Liu, Consistency of Local Density Matrices is QMA-complete, Proc. RANDOM , pp. 438-449, 2006.
Y. - K. Liu, Lyubashevsky, V., and Micciancio, D., On Bounded Distance Decoding for General Lattices, Proc. RANDOM, pp. 450-461, 2006.
Y. - K. Liu, Building one-time memories from isolated qubits, Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS), pp. 269-286, 2013.