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Journal Article
K. A. Landsman, Figgatt, C., Schuster, T., Linke, N. M., Yoshida, B., Yao, N. Y., and Monroe, C., Verified Quantum Information Scrambling, 2018.
K. A. Landsman, Wu, Y., Leung, P. Hong, Zhu, D., Linke, N. M., Brown, K. R., Duan, L., and Monroe, C. R., Two-qubit entangling gates within arbitrarily long chains of trapped ions, 2019.
O. Shehab, Landsman, K. A., Nam, Y., Zhu, D., Linke, N. M., Keesan, M. J., Pooser, R. C., and Monroe, C. R., Toward convergence of effective field theory simulations on digital quantum computers, 2019.
P. Hong Leung, Landsman, K. A., Figgatt, C., Linke, N. M., Monroe, C., and Brown, K. R., Robust two-qubit gates in a linear ion crystal using a frequency-modulated driving force, Physical Review Letters, vol. 120, no. 2, p. 020501, 2018.
A. Seif, Landsman, K. A., Linke, N. M., Figgatt, C., Monroe, C., and Hafezi, M., Machine learning assisted readout of trapped-ion qubits, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., vol. 51, 2018.
N. Solmeyer, Linke, N. M., Figgatt, C., Landsman, K. A., Balu, R., Siopsis, G., and Monroe, C., Demonstration of Bayesian quantum game on an ion trap quantum computer, 2018.