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Journal Article
A. V. Gorshkov, Rey, A. Maria, Daley, A. J., Boyd, M. M., Ye, J., Zoller, P., and Lukin, M. D., Alkaline-Earth-Metal Atoms as Few-Qubit Quantum Registers, Physical Review Letters, vol. 102, no. 11, 2009.
L. Jiang, Brennen, G. K., Gorshkov, A. V., Hammerer, K., Hafezi, M., Demler, E., Lukin, M. D., and Zoller, P., Anyonic interferometry and protected memories in atomic spin lattices, Nature Physics, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 482 - 488, 2008.
A. V. Gorshkov, Jiang, L., Greiner, M., Zoller, P., and Lukin, M. D., Coherent Quantum Optical Control with Subwavelength Resolution, Physical Review Letters, vol. 100, no. 9, 2008.
Y. Wang, Subhankar, S., Bienias, P., Lacki, M., Tsui, T. - C., Baranov, M. A., Gorshkov, A. V., Zoller, P., Porto, J. V., and Rolston, S. L., Dark state optical lattice with sub-wavelength spatial structure, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 120, p. 083601, 2018.
H. Pichler, Zhu, G., Seif, A., Zoller, P., and Hafezi, M., Measurement Protocol for the Entanglement Spectrum of Cold Atoms, Phys. Rev. X , vol. 6(4), no. 041033, 2016.
R. Belyansky, Young, J. T., Bienias, P., Eldredge, Z., Kaufman, A. M., Zoller, P., and Gorshkov, A. V., Nondestructive cooling of an atomic quantum register via state-insensitive Rydberg interactions, 2019.
N. Y. Yao, Laumann, C. R., Gorshkov, A. V., Bennett, S. D., Demler, E., Zoller, P., and Lukin, M. D., Topological Flat Bands from Dipolar Spin Systems, Physical Review Letters, vol. 109, no. 26, 2012.
N. Y. Yao, Laumann, C. R., Gorshkov, A. V., Weimer, H., Jiang, L., J. Cirac, I., Zoller, P., and Lukin, M. D., Topologically Protected Quantum State Transfer in a Chiral Spin Liquid, Nature Communications, vol. 4, p. 1585, 2013.