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M. Hafezi, Adhikari, P., and Taylor, J. M., A chemical potential for light, Physical Review B, vol. 92, no. 17, p. 174305, 2015.
C. Stambaugh, Xu, H., Kemiktarak, U., Taylor, J. M., and Lawall, J., From membrane-in-the-middle to mirror-in-the-middle with a high-reflectivity sub-wavelength grating, Annalen der Physik, vol. 527, no. 1-2, pp. 81 - 88, 2015.
X. Xu, Gullans, M., and Taylor, J. M., Quantum Nonlinear Optics Near Optomechanical Instabilities, Physical Review A, vol. 91, no. 1, p. 013818, 2015.
D. Kafri, Milburn, G. J., and Taylor, J. M., Bounds on quantum communication via Newtonian gravity, New Journal of Physics, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 015006, 2015.
Y. - Y. Liu, Stehlik, J., Eichler, C., Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R., Semiconductor double quantum dot micromaser, Science, vol. 347, no. 6219, pp. 285 - 287, 2015.
M. Gullans, Liu, Y. - Y., Stehlik, J., Petta, J. R., and Taylor, J. M., Phonon-Assisted Gain in a Semiconductor Double Quantum Dot Maser, Physical Review Letters, vol. 114, no. 19, p. 196802, 2015.
V. Srinivasa, Xu, H., and Taylor, J. M., Tunable Spin Qubit Coupling Mediated by a Multi-Electron Quantum Dot, Physical Review Letters, vol. 114, no. 22, p. 226803, 2015.
V. Dunjko, Taylor, J. M., and Briegel, H. J., Framework for learning agents in quantum environments, 2015.
O. Gerberding, Cervantes, F. Guzman, Melcher, J., Pratt, J. R., and Taylor, J. M., Optomechanical reference accelerometer, Metrologia, vol. 52, no. 5, p. 654, 2015.
H. Xu, Kemiktarak, U., Fan, J., Ragole, S., Lawall, J., and Taylor, J. M., Observation of optomechanical buckling phase transitions, 2015.
Y. - Y. Liu, Stehlik, J., Gullans, M., Taylor, J. M., and Petta, J. R., Injection Locking of a Semiconductor Double Quantum Dot Micromaser, Physical Review A, vol. 92, no. 5, p. 053802, 2015.
M. Gullans and Taylor, J. M., Optical Control of Donor Spin Qubits in Silicon, Physical Review B, vol. 92, no. 19, p. 195411, 2015.
V. Srinivasa and Taylor, J. M., Capacitively coupled singlet-triplet qubits in the double charge resonant regime, Physical Review B, vol. 92, no. 23, p. 235301, 2015.