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Journal Article
B. Zhan, Kimmel, S., and Hassidim, A., Super-Polynomial Quantum Speed-ups for Boolean Evaluation Trees with Hidden Structure, ITCS '12 Proceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference, pp. 249-265, 2012.
S. Kimmel, Low, G. Hao, and Yoder, T. J., Robust Single-Qubit Process Calibration via Robust Phase Estimation, Physical Review A, vol. 92, no. 6, p. 062315, 2015.
S. Kimmel, da Silva, M. P., Ryan, C. A., Johnson, B. R., and Ohki, T., Robust Extraction of Tomographic Information via Randomized Benchmarking, Physical Review X, vol. 4, no. 1, 2014.
I. Roth, Kueng, R., Kimmel, S., Liu, Y. - K., Gross, D., Eisert, J., and Kliesch, M., Recovering quantum gates from few average gate fidelities, Phys. Rev. Lett. , vol. 121, p. 170502, 2018.
B. Fefferman and Kimmel, S., Quantum vs Classical Proofs and Subset Verification, 2015.
E. Farhi, Kimmel, S., and Temme, K., A Quantum Version of Schöning's Algorithm Applied to Quantum 2-SAT, Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 16, no. 13-14, 2016.
A. M. Childs, Kimmel, S., and Kothari, R., The quantum query complexity of read-many formulas, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7501, pp. 337-348, 2012.
Y. Alexeev, Bacon, D., Brown, K. R., Calderbank, R., Carr, L. D., Chong, F. T., DeMarco, B., Englund, D., Farhi, E., Fefferman, B., Gorshkov, A. V., Houck, A., Kim, J., Kimmel, S., Lange, M., Lloyd, S., Lukin, M. D., Maslov, D., Maunz, P., Monroe, C., Preskill, J., Roetteler, M., Savage, M., Thompson, J., and Vazirani, U., Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery, 2019.
S. Kimmel and Liu, Y. - K., Quantum Compressed Sensing Using 2-Designs, 2015.
S. Jeffery and Kimmel, S., Quantum Algorithms for Graph Connectivity and Formula Evaluation, 2017.
S. Kimmel, Quantum Adversary (Upper) Bound, Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1 - 14, 2013.
S. Kimmel, Lin, C. Yen- Yu, and Lin, H. - H., Oracles with Costs, 10th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2015), vol. 44, pp. 1-26, 2015.
S. Kimmel, Lin, C. Yen- Yu, Low, G. Hao, Ozols, M., and Yoder, T. J., Hamiltonian Simulation with Optimal Sample Complexity, npj Quantum Information, vol. 13, no. 3, 2017.
K. Rudinger, Kimmel, S., Lobser, D., and Maunz, P., Experimental demonstration of cheap and accurate phase estimation, Physical Review Letters, vol. 118, no. 19, p. 190502, 2017.
S. Bandyopadhyay, Brassard, G., Kimmel, S., and Wootters, W. K., Entanglement Cost of Nonlocal Measurements, Physical Review A, vol. 80, no. 1, 2009.
B. R. Johnson, da Silva, M. P., Ryan, C. A., Kimmel, S., Chow, J. M., and Ohki, T. A., Demonstration of Robust Quantum Gate Tomography via Randomized Benchmarking, New Journal of Physics, vol. 17, no. 11, p. 113019, 2015.