B. Fefferman, Kobayashi, H., Lin, C. Yen- Yu, Morimae, T., and Nishimura, H.,
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B. Fefferman, Foss-Feig, M., and Gorshkov, A. V.,
“Exact sampling hardness of Ising spin models”,
Physical Review A, vol. 96, no. 3, p. 032324, 2017.
A. Deshpande, Fefferman, B., Tran, M. C., Foss-Feig, M., and Gorshkov, A. V.,
“Dynamical phase transitions in sampling complexity”,
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B. Fefferman, Shaltiel, R., Umans, C., and Viola, E.,
“On Beating the Hybrid Argument”,
Proceedings, ITCS, vol. 9, pp. 809-843, 2012.