Understanding Central Spin Decoherence Due to Interacting Dissipative Spin Baths

TitleUnderstanding Central Spin Decoherence Due to Interacting Dissipative Spin Baths
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsOnizhuk, M, Wang, Y-X, Nagura, J, Clerk, AA, Galli, G
JournalPhys. Rev. Lett.
Date Published6/18/2024

We propose a new approach to simulate the decoherence of a central spin coupled to an interacting dissipative spin bath with cluster-correlation expansion techniques. We benchmark the approach on generic 1D and 2D spin baths and find excellent agreement with numerically exact simulations. Our calculations show a complex interplay between dissipation and coherent spin exchange, leading to increased central spin coherence in the presence of fast dissipation. Finally, we model near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond and show that accounting for bath dissipation is crucial to understanding their decoherence. Our method can be applied to a variety of systems and provides a powerful tool to investigate spin dynamics in dissipative environments.
