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Toward end-to-end quantum simulation for protein dynamics


Modeling and simulating the protein folding process overall remains a grand challenge in computational biology. We systematically investigate end-to-end quantum algorithms for simulating various protein dynamics with effects, such as mechanical forces or stochastic noises. We offer efficient quantum simulation algorithms to produce quantum encoding of the final states, history states, or density matrices of inhomogeneous or stochastic harmonic oscillator models. For the read-in setting, we design (i) efficient quantum algorithms for initial state preparation, utilizing counter-based random number generator and rejection sampling, and (ii) depth-efficient approaches for molecular structure loading. Both are particularly important in handling large protein molecules. For the read-out setting, our algorithms estimate various classical observables, such as energy, low vibration modes, density of states, correlation of displacement, and optimal control of molecular dynamics. We also show classical numerical experiments focused on estimating the density of states and applying the optimal control to facilitate conformation changes to verify our arguments on potential quantum speedups. Overall, our study demonstrates that the quantum simulation of protein dynamics can be a solid end-to-end application in the era of early or fully fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Publication Details

Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Date Published