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Resilience of scrambling measurements


Most experimental protocols for measuring scrambling require time evolution with a Hamiltonian and with the Hamiltonian&⋕39;s negative counterpart (backwards time evolution). Engineering controllable quantum many-body systems for which such forward and backward evolution is possible is a significant experimental challenge. Furthermore, if the system of interest is quantum-chaotic, one might worry that any small errors in the time reversal will be rapidly amplified, obscuring the physics of scrambling. This paper undermines this expectation: We exhibit a renormalization protocol that extracts nearly ideal out-of-time-ordered-correlator measurements from imperfect experimental measurements. We analytically and numerically demonstrate the protocol&⋕39;s effectiveness, up to the scrambling time, in a variety of models and for sizable imperfections. The scheme extends to errors from decoherence by an environment.

Publication Details

Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Phys. Rev.
Date Published