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Parafermionic Zero Modes in Ultracold Bosonic Systems


Exotic topologically protected zero modes with parafermionic statistics (also called fractionalized Majorana modes) have been proposed to emerge in devices fabricated from a fractional quantum Hall system and a superconductor. The fractionalized statistics of these modes takes them an important step beyond the simplest non-Abelian anyons, Majorana fermions. Building on recent advances towards the realization of fractional quantum Hall states of bosonic ultracold atoms, we propose a realization of parafermions in a system consisting of Bose-Einstein-condensate trenches within a bosonic fractional quantum Hall state. We show that parafermionic zero modes emerge at the end points of the trenches and give rise to a topologically protected degeneracy. We also discuss methods for preparing and detecting these modes.

Publication Details

Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review Letters
Date Published

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