A quantum prediction as a collection of knowledge-restricted classical predictions

Billy Braasch(NIST and QuICS)
Event Type
Friday Quantum Seminar
Related Groups
Date & Time
November 11, 2022, 12:00pm
Where to Attend
ATL 2324
Authors: Billy Braasch and William K. Wootters
How are the phenomena of quantum theory novel when compared to those of a classical theory? Spekkens has introduced a classical model that reproduces a host of phenomena that appear in quantum mechanics such as noncommutation, interference, and teleportation. The model is constructed as a classical theory where agents have restricted knowledge about the underlying states. While the model captures many aspects of quantum theory, it cannot capture all. Here we show how it requires only a single augmentation to give quantum theory for certain systems. Specifically, one must combine all possible knowledge-restricted classical accounts of a quantum experiment. The rule for combination is simple, yet curious.
(Pizza and refreshments will be served after the talk.)