A DMRG Study of Excitons in the 2D t-J Model

Nikko Pomata(JQI)
Event Type
Friday Quantum Seminar
Related Groups
Date & Time
May 10, 2024, 12:00pm
Where to Attend
ATL 2324
Antiferromagnetic materials with microscopic behavior resembling that of the Fermi-Hubbard model are expected to host excitons, or bound electron-hole pairs. In order to investigate such behavior, we have optimized states of the t-J model in the single-particle-single-hole sector using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). In addition to presenting preliminary results from these efforts, I will present an introduction to DMRG and related algorithms with an eye towards explaining why it should be useful for this particular problem and the challenges faced in applying it.
Pizza and drinks will be served after the seminar in ATL 2117.