Describing solutions to QMA problems
Chinmay Nirkhe(UC Berkeley)
Event Type
QuICS seminar
Date & Time
June 15, 2022, 11:00am
Where to Attend
ATL 3100A and Virtual Via Zoom
In this talk, I'll motivate studying the complexity of quantum states and transformations. I'll discuss how this general study is related to a seminal theoretical computer science concept: search vs. decision. I'll show how to construct a form of search-to-decision reductions for QMA problems and show why it is unlikely that we can do (much) better. I'll conclude by discussing a parametrized notion of QMA and the notion of QMA solutions in this context.
This talk will be based on a work with Irani, Natarajan, Rao and Yuen ( and a work with Arunachalam, Bravyi, and O'Gorman (